I'm linking up with Hadar today to talk about what I've learned from teaching. I am going into my sixth year of teaching. I've spent two years in first and this will be my fourth year in kindergarten, so my list might pertain mostly to primary. I love being able to relate to so many people. My non-teacher friends just don't get it! :)
ONE. Be consistent in your behavior management. No matter how "mean" you may be or how hard they cry, at the end of the day you are still going to get a hug, huge smile, and an "I love you."
TWO. No matter what your district might say... let them use their imagination! In doing so they are learning far more than they would be completing a worksheet. We always get 'down and dirty' in my class!!
THREE. To them you are a singer, a dancer, an artist, a nurse, a comedian, a model, a disciplinarian, a lunch monitor, a math whiz, a scientist, an author, and their hero. Savor every moment of it!
FOUR. When all else fails...whisper. Gets my kiddos focused and listening every time!
FIVE. Be careful what you tell your child. Your teacher will know!
SIX. You will always have a 'Speedy Gonzalez' in your class. You know, the one that races to be first in line every.time. even though you have a line order!
SEVEN. Stalk up on erasers. Kids go through them like teachers do caffeine!
EIGHT. Never stop learning. Reflect on your teaching as often as you can.
NINE. For 180 days you are their world. Make it count!
TEN. No matter how many times I complain about mandates, standardized tests, and my salary, I wouldn't change my profession for the world. At the end of the year I shed a tear, knowing I have made a difference and missing the 20 little ones I've grown so attached to.