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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Fall {SALE}

Even though it doesn't quite feel like fall yet in Florida, I'm throwing a Fall Sale today through tomorrow evening at my TPT store!

{you can read more about it HERE}
I just added a brand new unit on Community Helpers!

My *best selling* Flat Stanley Unit is also on sale and is serving as a GREAT addition to the Postcard Exchange!

Hope you have a fabulous fall weekend!
{Hopefully it feels a little more like fall where you live} :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Community Helper Fun!

Community Helpers has always been a fun little unit introducing kiddos to those who work in and around our community.  Living in a "big" city and our school being located next to our downtown area there are lots of different types of business and 'jobs' that can be found all around us.
There is SO much you can do with community helpers.
I've created a mini-unit to go along with the what I will be teaching my kiddos.

 {You can find it HERE}
Here are some pics of what's included:

 Above: Mini-posters of each community helper.  I use these to first introduce the kiddos to the helpers and then as a culminating activity we play a game of charades and these cards are used in that game! The kiddos LOVE playing charades and it's fun to watch them "act out" what each one is.  You could also use these cards as word cards in your writing center.
Below:  Graphic organizers included in this packet.  I've included one blank venn-diagram and community helpers that you can cut and paste to create your own graphic organizer depending on which community helpers you're wanting to compare/contrast.
 I've also included an emergent reader that focuses on the fluency phrase "I am a.." I've included a teacher and student edition. 
 I also use the teacher emergent reader in this pocket chart center.  I let the kinders use the book as a reference for when they're putting together the sentences and matching the corresponding pictures.  I'm not sure about your kiddos but mine absolutely LOVE putting the sentences together.  I think it's mainly because they get to use a fun pointer when they read them to each other! :)  The simple things.
In this picture is also an image of my syllable counting literacy center in action.  A recording sheet is also included.
 I also included two writing pages for students to record their response to "When I grow up I want to be a..."
"A Toothy Match" worksheet focuses on the student matching the uppercase and lowercase letters and the math worksheets/games included focus on number recognition and matching.
 Another great thing to do with Community Helpers that gets parents involved is to invite some in for a "Career Day."  Did you ever have a career day when you were younger?  I didn't! It's shocking...I know.
I think I'm going to have my kiddos dress up as their favorite community helper as well and then we can, of course, write about it!!! :)
Do you do anything super exciting during your community helpers unit?

First friend to leave a lovely comment gets this unit F-R-E-E!! Be sure to leave your email address!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Community Helpers

{I am BEYOND annoyed that this pic will NOT rotate!!!!}
Pic above is the cover to the teacher edition book, below is a sneak peek at the student edition of the emergent reader include in this packet!  
I've just uploaded my newest mini-unit "Community Helpers {bear edition" to my TPT Store!  I am exhausted.  I just can't seem to catch up on sleep or have a "lazy day!" I do love fall but phew! I'm tired! :)

Check back for a post showing this unit in action! 


Monday, September 17, 2012

Management Monday...a linky!

Rachelle and Natalie are the super-teachers from What the Teacher Wants and they are hosting a Management Monday Linky Party!

Here's a peek into some fun behavior management items I use in my classroom.

{sadly this is the best picture I have of my behavior horrible is that?!  Sorry}

First up is my behavior chart/system.  Every day students start out on "green" and move up or down according to the choices they make throughout the day.  The great thing that I love about clip charts is that it makes it easier for students to move up and down and "change their color."  For instance, when I used color cards {cardstock paper in a pocket chart} many of my kids would drop and lose cards, tear cards, pull the pocket chart down, etc... It's really shocking how much "damage" occurred when I used that system! :)

I also like to give "chances" to move their clip back up if student's change their behavior around.  Of course this does not pertain to student's who created a sever offense {put their hands on others, etc...}.

I also use Sparkler's as a table management tool.  You can read all about these fun little fuzzy balls HERE!  By far my FAVORITE classroom management tool and positive reinforcer!

{photo courtesy of Ms. Lamb and What the Teacher Wants...I can't find my photo :(  }

I use Mystery Words as a behavior management tool with the whole class.  We get to turn over one letter everytime we get a compliment as a class from another teacher/adult.  I will also give my kids a 'compliment' if they are all doing a wonderful job in the classroom {working quietly} or in the hallway {walking quietly and in a nice line}.  The rewards are fun things that are just not food related.  Rewards include: "write with markers," "extra free choice," "picnic," "movie," "popscicle party," etc..

Even with all these wonderful things {at least I like to think so} some days I just don't feel like I've got it.  A handle on them that is! :)  Like today, PHEW! Day 20 felt more like Day2!

Here's to hoping the rest of the week goes a lot smoother.

For more awesome behavior management ideas click below! :)


Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Teacher In Need.

I want to take a moment and use my little blog to request some assistance from sweet readers.

{Sweet Heidi this summer... prior to any health issues}

On August 27 my friend and co-worker lost her 10 month old baby.  Sweet Heidi was rushed to the hospital with a brain tumor.  While in surgery to remove the tumor they found that her tiny little body was filled with cancer.
She died of cardiac arrest. 

This young family also has a son who was just diagnosed with Autism.  This is also a family who is already struggling financially.  In the midst of all this, both parents are unable to work and due to the mother's prior health issues of her own {after giving birth to sweet Heidi} she no longer has enough paid sick leave and is now receiving no paycheck, as is her husband.
My heart breaks for them.  They are both dedicated, passionate, and hard workers who would do anything for anyone.  They are somewhat private people who are struggling with having to deal with such an emotional and traumatic experience while trying to accept everyone's support.

Our school is trying to do everything we can to help raise money for this family.  I wanted to extend this effort to all of you.  
I know you don't know this family.  I know we are all struggling to make a few extra bucks but any amount that you could donate would be BEYOND graciously appreciative.

To donate to the Ferguson Fund visit this website:

Thank you from all of us!

Monday, September 3, 2012

New Look...and...Currently

My blog got a "face-lift!"  
Isn't she pretty?!  
I could NOT be more excited about my new look.  I've been searching and patiently waiting for the right person to revamp my plain ol' blog and I 

A HUGE thanks to Erin from Creating and Designing for my new look!
She is so fabulous to work with and gets it done QUICK! 
On top of creating gorgeous blogs, she's attaining her masters, and let's not forget... TEACHING too!  

If you're in the market for a new look or just some simple changes you need to go see Erin!  
She's amazing.
Now onto Currently....
As ready as I am for fall, I am so sad to see my summer come to an end.  I thoroughly enjoyed my summer!!   I mean, I too am ready for the West Nile infested mosquitoes to go away, but nothing beats a tasty cold beverage poolside with my best friends!
As for the lesson I a crazy person for trying to be ready three weeks ahead.  Life does get in the way sometimes but this year I am bound and DETERMINED to not end up staying at school late everyday and have to come in on the occassional weekend.  I want my weekends and evenings to myself!  
Anyone else like this?! 
Ok.  Enjoy your Labor Day!
I'm off to breakfast and then back to work on a new packet!!!  

Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's finally here!!!!

Warning...this post will not have a lot to do with school! :)

Florida State Football!!!!!

Living in "Seminole Country" is quite an experience.  When you wake up on game days you just feel it in the air.  Football.  And it's finally here!
I kinda love college football!

  I also wanted to thank all of you for the sweet birthday wishes.  I had a fabulous birthday.  I'm now two years away from the "BIG" 3-0 and I must admit, I still feel like I'm 24 sometimes! :)  

I also wanted to thank everyone who has signed up to participate in the Postcard Exchange.  We only need FIVE more states to be complete!
The final states left are:
Alabama, Nevada, North Dakota, West Virginia, and Wyoming