Monday, March 11, 2013

Flat Stanley Update!

I finished my Flat Stanley unit update! Woohoo!!
I completely revamped my old mini unit, changing every single page!  I also added SEVERAL new pages and turned my 30 page unit to 53 pages!  I am still working on adding more but that will be an ongoing thing.  
I am so proud of the newly revised addition. If you've already purchased this unit, please go download the new version.  You can do so by going to your "My Purchases" link at TPT.  Then just press "download."

Here's a peak at some of the revisions:

Click HERE to check it out! :)

Happy Monday!
{P.S. are you as pumped about the Bachelor finale tonight as I am?!}

1 comment:

  1. That looks great! We are starting our mapping unit in 2 weeks! I know what I will be doing! Adding it to my wishlist now!!

    Fluttering In First


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!