Friday, March 8, 2013

That time again!

PHEW! This week flew by and I'm so glad.  It might because I played hooky on Tuesday.  Much needed and well, much deserved! :)
It's Five for Friday time!!

This week {when I was there} we learned about the symbols of St. Patrick's Day and all about what it means to be lucky!

I am so in love with my bulletin board.  Yes, it's overwhelmingly loaded but it's so cute!  The kiddos did such a great job.  I need some help though....what should I put on the pot?  "Look how lucky we are"....I need help.  Suggestions, PLEASE!
I was going to have the kiddos use their handprints to make the rainbow but I started with some of the boys and well...they blew it! So we quickly went to sponge painting and they LOVED it and they did REALLY REALLY good! Don'tchathink?

Here's a close up of the adorable clovers they made.  This is an inspiration from Sarah Cooley's blog last year {I think}!  Last year, I let my first graders draw their own illustrations, cut around them, and then glue them onto their clover, HOWEVER not so much with the kinder babies.  I pre-made and cut out circles for them to draw four different things they are lucky to have.  They turned out so cute!  Some even wrote what they were lucky to have in addition to their illustration.  Extra "points" for them! :)

Here are the lucky coins.  I.AM.IN.LOVE.  
This adorable printable came from one of my newest blogging besties, Kelley {what a great name} from Teacher Idea Factory.  Her packet is so stinkin adorable and even though it was created more for first and second grade, there is plenty that is adaptable for the kinder kiddos!  

Click the pic to check out this adorable packet! It's only $3 people and worth so much more! 

We also made these cutie-patootie leprechauns!  I make these every year!  These were inspired from the creative genius, Cara Carroll!  What does she do that ISN'T 50 kinds of AH-MAZ-ING?! :)

I must confess.  I just got back from a teacher-kind-of-happy-hour and it was SO much fun!!  I love when we all are able to get a chance to get together outside of school...and when there's a tasty beverage in hand, it's even better!

I'm off to attempt to finish up my Flat Stanley unit!  The new unit is going to be MUCH better than the last and a TON more added to it!  I'm not sure how long I'll make it tonight though.  I did have more than one tasty beverage.  Okay more than two.  I'm lying...three! :)

Make sure to link up with DoodleBugs! 


  1. Looks like you had a great week! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your St. Patrick's Day board. We're doing something similar next week and I can't wait to get my bulletin board up.

    Joy in the Journey

  2. I am in LOVE with your bulletin board too! It is just perfect!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  3. Love your bulletin board too!! :)

  4. Love the bulletin board. How about "Lucky Me, Lucky You, Lucky Us!

  5. What a fabulous bulletin board! If it wasn't Friday afternoon, perhaps I could think of a creative title :)

    Lucky to Be in First

  6. Okay, your bulletin board is awesome! I like "Lucky You, Lucky Me, Lucky Us" like Angie said, or just a simple "Lucky Us!" :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  7. LOVE the "lucky me" shamrocks! Yours turned out precious, and I am DYING over that bulletin board--TOO CUTE!!! Love Angie's title idea!

  8. So cute!! Maybe title it Full of Luck!

  9. Your St. Patrick's Day board is so cute!
    Fun in ECSE


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