Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's about to happen!!

See that beautiful scenery?  Spring break begins in 18 hours and because I live in Florida I will be heading to the beach!  My feet are itching for the sand to be between my toes and the sun to be warming me up!

I must admit, I have been in Spring Break mode for, well, a week or two.  The kiddos are all kinds of CRAY-CRAY and my brain is...fried.

I am working on updating a whole new version of my end of the year silly awards pack and I will be working hard {when I'm not sun-bathing and/or just sleeping} to finish it up before the end of my spring break!

Have you started spring break yet?  
Any amazing plans?

My whole week is not completely planned out yet and I would love some fun ideas! :)   Remember though, I'm on a teacher's salary! 


  1. We had our spring break this week. I have done a lot of's free (perfect for our salary) and catching up with friends! The weather here has been A-mazing! Hope your week off is just what you need!

    For the Love of First Grade

  2. Wow! Wow! Wow! I am incredibly jealous. Our break is not for another two weeks. Plus, it snowed this week-boo!! Enjoy your break :)

    The Brown-Bag Teacher


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!