Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Makeover Madness #TPTsellerchallenge

For the first week of the TPT Sellers Challenge, I was 'challenged' to either makeover an entire product or just refresh a cover. 
I went through all my files, realized I have many more products I would like to makeover, and decided on a product that has been a constant success in my classroom every year I've taught...my parent-teacher communication binders!
After finding some insanely adorable clip art from Graphics From the Pond, I got to work on making over my JUNGLE Book Binder.

Here's what I did:
 I am seriously in love with all those "scrappy" clip art collections!

Here is a peek at the rest of the packet:

If you're interested in reading a little bit more about these parent-teacher communication binders, see what's inside, how I use them, or look at other themes click here.

Interested in joining in on the challenge, head to Ashley's blog by clicking the link below!

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