Thursday, June 25, 2015

Dare to Dream #TPTSellersChallenge

This week, for the TPT Sellers Challenge, we were asked to "Dare to Dream"
After some thought, I came up with the following list:

WORK - My dream has come least termporarily. This upcoming school year I am going to attempt to successfully be a "Work From Home Momma!" I'm not sure how this is going to look or where it will take me, but I am determined to make it work for our family. I'm excited and terrified all at the same time.

DEBT - Naturally I want to be able to pay off debt.  After getting married and being hired in a kindergarten position for the first time, I decided to further my education and obtain my Master's Degree.  With that, came a big fat tuition bill. OUCH! That has been a hefty monthly bill.

RELATIONSHIPS - I have loved connecting with so many wonderful educators all over the world.  I hope that this only continues to grow and strengthen. My dream is to meet many more of you in real life! :)

GROWTH - I would love to continue to grow as an educator, wife, mother, and student. I love watching my products evolve and enjoy challenging my creative side.  My dream is that my store will continue to grow!

I also dream of many (and much more) materialistic things as well. Lets face it, it's natural. I would love to be able to finally finish renovating our home and yard. I would love to own a brand new car.  I would love to have a wardrobe makeover, as well as get my nails and hair done by someone else and not be on a time crunch. I would love to be able to travel to the many places on my 'bucket list'. How fun that would be to take Max to see the world! 
I can dare to dream.

Wanna join the fun?
Click the link below to learn how!

I will leave you with this cutie!



  1. Hi Kelly! You're going to love being a stay at home mom. I stayed home with my babies-many years ago. :) It's the hardest, most rewarding job you'll ever have! Your sweet little Max is adorable! Good luck with all of your TPT goals!

    Look Who’s in First Grade

  2. Congratulations on your new position as a work-from-home mama! That is just wonderful. I wish you all the best in achieving your dreams.

    Thanks for sharing Kelly!

    Mai Huynh
    Diary of a Grumpy Teacher

  3. You go girl! I would also like to work from home or just stay at home once I have kiddos!

    For the Love of First Grade

  4. Kelly, Congrats on the baby! I haven't been by your blog in a while and I didn't know it was a boy! I think SAM would be a great job with a baby!

    I've weighed getting my Master's Degree & I believe that spending my time creating products for TPT has been a better investment of my time.
    This Little Piggy Reads


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!