Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Penguins - A Non-fiction Packet!

I am beyond excited to have finished my Penguins Non-fiction packet just in time for my New Years sale {it's only $3.60 right now}!! whoop-whoop!!

I created this packet to use beginning the week we return from winter break.  I will use the packet for two weeks, however, that is not necessary.  This year, I have a 'low' group of kiddos.  They need a lot of support, remediation, and repetition.  I'm nervous as to how they will return from winter break.  I know that some will grow {they always do..yay!} and some will have lost some stuff.  
This packet was designed to meet their needs! 
With Common Core heavy on non-fiction based text, I wanted to 'dive deep' with my kiddos and really get their brains thinking and processing information.  I will use a plethora of non-fiction text to read with the kids and I will have my 'higher' kiddos do some online research {guided by me}.  
I wanted to create a packet that had everything I needed to dive into non-fiction with my kids and have a lot of fun doing so!

I created a 'bundle' of pages to record our findings {in different ways} on 6 different types of penguins.  I also included an 'overview' bundle on penguins if you did not feel like doing a reader's response activity for each type of penguin.  The types of penguins included are emperor, king, macaroni, erect-crested, galapagos, and rockhopper.  I've already thought of a couple more I will be adding in the next few days.  With each bundle, you get a 'fact' sheet that summarizes facts about the type of penguin, a bubble map {to record characteristics/adjectives or just facts}, a tree map, a mini report page, and a writing paper.
I've also included an overview penguins test {2 versions} with an answer key.

Here's a peek at what else you will find within the packet {everything is not shown}.
I will be adding pictures as I set up and as we begin to use them in class.
I've also already thought of some predicting and real-life connection pages I will be adding!  Know that as I add, the price will not change!! :)

You can snag this little bundle of joy on sale through the 1st!

Shameless plug:
I have one of my first Donor's Choose projects up and ready to be funded!  If you feel like helping a sista out and donating, you can do so HERE
My 20 little ones {and I} would be forever grateful.
You can also DOUBLE your donation until January 3rd, by simply typing 'DISNEY' in the code box at checkout! Thank you in advance for your generosity! :)

Happy New Years Eve!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

The new year.

Anybody else feel as though time goes by faster the older you get?  I remember time passing by as slow as grass growing when I was a kid!  Algebra always crept by.  I could count the seconds, I swear!  
Now it seems as though if I blink, I've missed something.

I'm not big on making New Year's resolutions.  It's like setting myself up for failure!  I always make them too big and feel ridiculous amounts of pressure to achieve my resolution.  This only brings me stress and anxiety.  I just can't handle it. Anyone else out there like this?  Just me…okay!
To try and get my mind right for the new year, I stumbled upon some fun 'motivational' quotes, if you will.

I love this one! Heard it first from my friend, Kid President! :)

My goal for New Years Eve! ha!

Oh, it better be!!
You can grab this one for free HERE

My favorite.  Pretty much my thoughts exactly! :)

Here's the best of my Instagram {which isn't that great considering I didn't take that many pictures…maybe a new years resolution?}

Thank you for being with me through it all this past year! 
Though trials and tribulations, ups and downs, I love being able to share so much with each of you!
So much so, I'm having a little sale to end the year out right!
What are your New Years plans?


Link up with Simply Kinder to find some new amazing blogs!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

13 in '13

I'm so excited to join Hadar, Kristen, and Traci in this fun {annual} linky party!
Be sure to grab the button and link up at any of their blogs!

Oh man, this one is tough.  I have a slight shopping obsession when it comes to all things relating to clothing! I guess my favorite right now are my leggings!

I probably have every shade and am working on acquiring every printed legging as well! Ha! They're just so comfy!!

I have to admit.  I don't watch a lot of movies.  The hubby and I just never get around to going to the movie theater.  I did go see The Heat with my momma though and we laughed pretty dang hard!! :)

This is a given to those who have been following my little ol' blog.  If you have, then you also know about my depression which resulted in the ending of my favorite tv series.  My friend has been trying hard to get me hooked on Sons of Anarchy…and it's working!

This is also the same every year…Carrabbas Italian Gril.  Do you have one in your town?  You must try!

Being vulnerable.  This is something that I usually do not allow myself to be, but with the events that occurred this year, I learned to let myself be vulnerable and it felt great.

It was a gift to myself, but I am in love with my MacBook Pro!

Asking me to choose just ONE favorite pin is like asking me to choose a favorite niece.  It just can't be done.  Having pinned well over 1500 things this year alone, I just decided to snag one that was close to the top! ha!

I love this idea, especially for high school {teaching related}.  I am going to do this with my family, though! If you want to see all 1500 of my 2013 pins, you can follow me HERE.

I'm choosing two {can't you tell I'm indecisive}! Kristin did it, too!

Teaching related post:

Personal post:

I selected these two because the teaching one is fun and it's a linky, so I got to read everyone else's tidbits as well, and the personal post shows you exactly what my hubby and I are like {in real life}.  We love to have fun, be silly, and be creative.  We have grown so much since then, too!

I paid off 4 credit cards with my earning from TPT!
You might be thinking…what in the world does she have 4 credit cards for?  What kind of spending problem does she have?  What kind of crap was she spending money she doesn't have on?  
Well…when I was first in college, I had zero money.  I was/am a hard worker and worked as a server for six years, many times working double shifts 5 or 6 days a week!  I made good money, but could never get caught up.  SO I did what many immature students do…I opened up a lot of credit cards.  My limits were very low but STILL.  It all added up and I would only pay just above minimum.  I was not good with my money {even though my parents tried}.
My goal for 2013 was to get rid of that 'bad' debt and I did!!!  Still have a little more to go but the bulk is paid. (sigh of relief)

bahaha! I can't stop laughing.  Okay, this picture was taken last week at my school's tacky Christmas party!  I am the Christmas tree! 
The jacked girl next to me is a close family friend. She happens to be the bartender where our party was held. Yea, you don't want to mess with her!
There's a better, more clear picture of me on someone's iPhone. (Hint, hint to a certain someone)

One of my besties got married this past July.  Man, I wanna be that tan again!

I would like to reach 1000 followers and add 10 more products to my shop.  I choose 10 because I have 10 ideas for packets written in my little idea book since last year and I need to get to it!  I'm also one to not self-promote but I would like to try a little here and there because I have found that I am able to find so many other amazing teachers in doing this! 


With the ending of our first pregnancy, I realized that I need to let go and let God.  It doesn't matter when I want something to happen, it's all in God's timing and his timing is always good.  I also need to work on being a little more patience with my struggling kinders.  

I had so much fun going down memory lane.  Join in on the linky and read others favorites for the year! 

So excited that tomorrow is Christmas Eve!!!!! 

Sunday, December 22, 2013


I have to admit.  In the day to day busyness of life, I often forget the simple things.  The things that make me happy.  I often forget to be…well…awesome. 

This morning, while watching 30 minutes worth of YouTube videos, I remembered what it was that drew me to teaching.  Making a difference.  Changing the world.  Being awesome and enjoying MY life while helping others to enjoy theirs as well.

If you have not seen a Kid President video, you need to.  I first started watching his videos when I saw them in my newsfeed on Facebook.  This morning I spent most of my morning watching all of his videos, browsing his blog and website.  The following video gives you a little background of the duo that began creating these inspirational videos. I can't wait to continue sharing them with my kinder babies!  They just love him.

I already have my New Years Resolutions set:
1. High Five strangers
2. Follow the 20 things you should say more often and DO IT!

…and my new favorite line I will be saying to my kiddos…
"If you can't say anything nice, you're not thinking hard enough!"

Saturday, December 14, 2013

We Remember

It's crazy to think it's been a whole year already.  I remember feeling so many emotions that day and hugging my 20 little ones tighter the next day.  

As educators, we remember and honor our fallen colleagues and their students from Sandy Hook School.  We honor them each day in our classrooms in which we continue their dream of teaching our children.  We honor their memory with our service.  Join with teachers everywhere in committing random acts of kindness to show our love for Sandy Hook.

All during this week, please promote the RAK on social media.  Use the hashtag:  #love4SH

Monday, December 9, 2013

All I Want for Christmas...

I'm excited to join Hope in this fun little linky.
Unlike Hope, however, I do not have a problem receiving gifts! Not that I'm greedy, rather that I love the element of surprise!!  I love not knowing what somebody has thought enough to buy for me! :) 
The same goes for giving, too! I love trying to come up with the *perfect* little gift to give my family and close friends.  

While I love being surprised by my gifts, I don't really enjoy making a list for myself.  Something just doesn't feel right, at the age of 29, writing a Christmas wish list.  BUT, my family request a list and so…there it is. 
Here are some of the things on my list this year:

Hubby and I need some new linens but I hate having to spend my money on them (I'd rather buy clothes).

I love jewelry!!!

I would love to ride more.  How fun does this look?

I have the original Kindle and I think it's time for an update!

Now it's your turn.  Join in on the fun and check out what's on others Christmas lists.  You might find something to add!! 

Only 6 more full days and 3 half days to go for me! I.can't.wait!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Five for Friday….FAIL

I had so much planned.  So much I wanted to show and share with you.  
So much still to do in the day.  Instead, I'm going to take a nap.

This is what I feel like at this very moment.  Pure exhaustion.

Or this.

Or this.

I promise you I will wake up tomorrow and get to sharing some wonderful goodies!

Happy Friday!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Currently December Deals!

I decided I'm going to 'kill two birds with one stone' tonight! 
So…lets get started!

My favorite holiday tradition growing up was going out to eat for my Dad's birthday (Christmas Eve), going to church, and then opening ONE present!  I know that it's what most people do as part of the holiday 'routine' but I loved knowing that's what we were going to do every year and that every year was going to be even better.  The anticipation of what's to come made it all the more exciting! 
My favorite tradition now is watching Christmas Vacation every Thanksgiving (or closest day to) with my mom.  We're adding a drinking game to the mix this year, so it outta get interesting! :)  

My teaching favorite tradition is Cyber Monday shopping at TPT!  I'm not kidding you.  I get so excited to stock up my 'wish list' with as many goodies as I can and use up all my TPT Feedback points to add to the already awesome discount!  I love it.  Here are some of the goodies I snagged tonight.  I already have a couple more items I just added to my cart.  Ready to purchase more tomorrow (gotta see what other goodies people found, might need to add it to my cart too)! 

I love everything that Deedee creates! I've had her Overhead Station packet on my wish list for awhile now and after getting my hands on an overhead right before Thanksgiving break, I've been itching to click 'purchase.'

Kristen Smith has an amazing Main Idea packet that I can not wait to use!  I won't be diving deep into main idea until January and this packet as a lot of nonfiction arctic animal stories that correlate with different activities that focus on the main idea.  

I also got this Guided Reading Task Card packet from Tara West and another amazing RTI packet from Hello Literacy!

And, even though I already have a ton of literacy and math centers correlated with our Christmas themed, I HAD to get Abby's A Very Kinder Christmas pack!
It does not disappoint either! :)

I can't wait to see what you got!  Think I might need it too?  Let me know about any must haves! :)
Link up, too.