Monday, December 30, 2013

The new year.

Anybody else feel as though time goes by faster the older you get?  I remember time passing by as slow as grass growing when I was a kid!  Algebra always crept by.  I could count the seconds, I swear!  
Now it seems as though if I blink, I've missed something.

I'm not big on making New Year's resolutions.  It's like setting myself up for failure!  I always make them too big and feel ridiculous amounts of pressure to achieve my resolution.  This only brings me stress and anxiety.  I just can't handle it. Anyone else out there like this?  Just me…okay!
To try and get my mind right for the new year, I stumbled upon some fun 'motivational' quotes, if you will.

I love this one! Heard it first from my friend, Kid President! :)

My goal for New Years Eve! ha!

Oh, it better be!!
You can grab this one for free HERE

My favorite.  Pretty much my thoughts exactly! :)

Here's the best of my Instagram {which isn't that great considering I didn't take that many pictures…maybe a new years resolution?}

Thank you for being with me through it all this past year! 
Though trials and tribulations, ups and downs, I love being able to share so much with each of you!
So much so, I'm having a little sale to end the year out right!
What are your New Years plans?


Link up with Simply Kinder to find some new amazing blogs!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute quotes for 2014! Hope you are enjoying your winter break!
    -Lovely Nina


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!