Monday, September 16, 2013

Holding up.

My mother insisted that I update this little ol' blog and then I saw the following picture and realized what I was going to post:

I am extremely overwhelmed.  Being pregnant takes ALL my energy and when I get home I'm just too exhausted to do anything else other than try and catch up on all the assessing I have to do and input into online database, progress reports to write (already?), lessons plans to complete (for the week ahead...trying to stay on top of it), and not to mention all the other millions of things on my 'to-do' list for home.  I'm lucky if I get ONE thing accomplished, other than taking a shower, when I get home from school.

Am I the only one out there who needs the first two months of school to just get caught up?

I promise to post something wonderfully worth-while soon and be oh-so-inspiring but for now I must go finish cooking dinner.  Hubby is tired of cereal for dinner every night :/


  1. I feel the same and I'm not even pregnant lol. You take care of yourself first or you're no good to anybody. ;)

  2. I feel the same way and I am not pregnant! Take all the time you need and don't stress, it's not good for the baby :)

    Color Me Kinder


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!