Monday, September 2, 2013

Currently MIA

I apologize for being MIA lately but I have a good reason.  It's called 'The First Trimester' and it is EXHAUSTING! Between working all day, running errands and going to doctor appointments, all I want to do when I get home is SLEEP.  And sleep I do! So for this first part of pregnancy I apologize for my lack of really exciting, awesome, and inspiring educational posts.  I may find some energy once and awhile but bear with me as I make my way to the second trimester.  :)

Ok.  Explanations where needed:

LOVING:  College football!! This is my favorite time of year. Not only does it mean my Saturday's are full for the next couple months but it also means that Fall is right around the corner.  Thankfully living in northern FL, we do experience some climate change....and I.CAN.NOT.WAIT.
This past Saturday I literally laid on the couch all day watching Game Day and lots of football games {I usually just lay on the couch all day on Saturday's anyways}!  Go Seminoles!! :)

THINKING/WANTING/NEEDING: Well, I kinda already vented about that at the top but these three really go together.  This is my first pregnancy and I'm at the end of my first trimester and I am SO ready!  I literally do nothing but eat and sleep all day long {on the weekends and when I get home on 'school days'}.  I am one who is always busy doing something so this is really hard for me.  My house is a wreck.  I look at piles of clothes and junk and get so exhausted just thinking about all that needs to be done, I go to sleep!
Cooking...forget about it.  I've made my hubby get take out most of my first trimester. And washing dishes....I'd rather not.  Am I suppose to be like this?  
Am I suppose to have ZERO energy and lack motivation to do the slightest of things?  
I must say, I miss my pool days, workouts, and being a 'busy-body' with my friends.  I can not wait for that to go back to normal! 

For me this month, I really want to begin working out at least 3x a week.  I was an avid exerciser until I became pregnant. {read above for reasons why I am no longer}  I bought the Tracy Anderson Pregnancy Project and love it!  Just gotta get some energy to do it!
Get a massage...well what pregnant girl doesn't want a massage?  Heck, what GIRL doesn't want a massage?  I really want one.
Get sub plans...this summer right when I first became pregnant I created a long-term sub binder.  I wanted to get a head start on getting prepared for when I am gone on maternity leave.  Well, I haven't done anything since making the packet. I had all these wonderful intentions to get a head start so that when I'm feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with school and being preggo, I wouldn't have to worry about it.  I'm slacking already.  So this month, I want to get most of it printed and set up.  I can worry about the actual plans later, but I've got to get going!!! :)

If you've stuck around and listened to me vent, I thank you.  I don't want to turn this blog of mine into a dusty website or all about being preggo, but right now...that's all I can do.  I'm off to try to begin cleaning this house of mine.  Sadly, I already foresee the couch in my near future! :)

Happy Labor Day, friends!


  1. Congrats! Yes, I totally felt like only sleeping when I was pregnant (you are not alone). The sub binder looks cool, I'm going to have to put one together (even though I have NO plans of getting pregnant, just good planning). Have a great fall watching football. Go Kansas State! LOL

    Mrs. Bartel’s School Family

  2. I love college football, too! And, if your just tired and not sick in your first trimester then consider yourself lucky LOL! I was so sick with both of my pregnancies. It's all worth it though!

    Always an Adventure in Kindergarten

  3. I jacked up my neck this summer and started going to a chiropractor that has a massage therapist. OMG....what had I been waiting on! Now instead of paying $80 - $100, I'm paying $28.10 because my insurance takes care of 80% of it! You should try it out.

    Surviving Sixth Grade

  4. 3 x's a week of low exertion exercise sounds perfect for a preggers lady. It will help with all sorts of pregnancy troubles. It also helps with the birthing process. The more in shape you are, the easier the birth...well mostly. And yes, the 1st tri takes the umph out of you. 2nd is much easier.
    Good luck,

  5. Oh... First trimester. I got tired just reading it. First trimester is SO EXHAUSTING. Best of luck with your long-term sub plans.

  6. Yea! I'm so happy for you and your family.

  7. BTW, your new normal will never be your old normal. After the first trimester is the 2nd and that's all about as normal as you'll ever get again. The 3rd is full of showers, finalizing, getting prepped and ready...then there's delivery day! A wonderfully amazing and exhausting time. After the baby is here, your laundry pile will double and you'll wonder how one teeny tiny baby can have an entire load of laundry on it's own? It does. Then, you'll have a toddler and then a pre-schooler and so on....don't worry, you'll love the new normal. It probably won't include buzzing around with friends or working out every day. But it will include smiles, little hands and the word Mommy! It's amazing.

  8. First of all, CONGRATS GIRL! What an exciting time in your life :) I am so sorry you are so tired! I can only imagine.. hang in there! I think you're doing GREAT! I hope the 2nd trimester gives you some relief! I just added your long-term sub pack to my wishlist. I hope to one day need it ;) Have a great week!


  9. Congrats, that is such exciting news! My name is Heather and I just have a quick question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at) :-)


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