Saturday, April 20, 2013

Product Swap!!


I am so excited to be part of my first ever PRODUCT SWAP!!!
Jessica is one amazing lady for creating such a great opportunity for fellow bloggers to meet other bloggers and share wonderful products! :)

Let me preface my post.  There were a few 'hiccups' at the beginning of this process so I did not have enough time to fully dive into utilizing this amazing resource in my classroom. :/    I did use the activities in my classroom for two days this week with my kinder babies and they LOVED them!  I did completely slack on the taking pictures but I have a good reason....I've been preparing for my BFF's bachelorette party {I'm currently sipping on a yummy beverage at the beach :)   jealous?}.
So...without further ado:

All of Colleen's products come with fully detailed instructions, ideas, examples, and wonderful recording sheets for each game.  Well thought out and age/developmentally appropriate!

You MUST go visit Colleen!  Tell her I sent you and check out a little something from my TPT store! :)


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!