Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Candy Land Math....freebie!

What a week it has been so far!  This proctoring for the state testing is B.O.R.I.N.G. 
Seriously, an hour and a half of staring at 17 third graders who are staring back at me, in a daze, smacking on their gum, and using their #2 pencils as chopsticks. Ridic. Onto some fun with a classic game board:

I love Candy Land.  My kids LOVE Candy Land.  
A couple years ago I was introduced to the idea of turning game boards into sight word games.  I made Candy Land into Sight Word Candy Land, as well as Jenga into Sight Word Jenga.  My kinder babies {firsties for the last two years} loved, loved, LOVED playing these games during word study.  I've never seen so much sight word recognition growth before!  They really do learn them even when "playing a game!"  :)

I first take out the "character cards" and do not let the kiddos use the "bridges/rainbows" to skip ahead.  I like to 'force' the kiddos to play for a LONG time and read their words over and OVER! :)  It also doesn't give them much time for anyone to 'win' so there's no fighting or anything!

I wanted a super easy way for my kinders to practice their math facts.  Since my kids fell in love with sight word Candy Land, I decided to just snag another game board.  Luckily I have plenty of nieces and friends with their own little ones. 
This freebie contains numbers 0-20, number words 0-12, tally marks 1-10, ten-frames 0-10, and addition fact to 10.  You can use what you need and/or want your kids to focus on! Love it!!

I'm off to bed.  Another day of staring at 3rd graders again! 


  1. Cute and creative idea! At least your third graders are probably cute to look at! I can't believe they get to chew gum during testing! Lucky them:)


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