Friday, April 5, 2013

Five for Friday {April 5th}

This is a sad Friday for me.  It was the last day of my intern teaching full-time. I must admit, it was quite nice being able to pull small groups and work with kiddos one-on-one {uninterrupted} for 6 weeks.  Not to mention not having to do my own lesson plans!  Oh, how I love my intern.  She was amazing!
Here's some fun things we did this week:

We started one of my favorite units....the ocean!  Yes, I realize it's spring and I should've saved the ocean theme for May, however, this is how it began to flow in my room and when the kiddos started talking about ocean animals it was time to rearrange.  All about flexibility over here! :)
This adorable seahorses were inspired from Pinterest {of course} and were made after we spent a lot of time learning lots of facts about the tiny creatures!

I love these sharks!  We made these guys yesterday and wrote facts about sharks this morning to go with our craft!  I think they turned out so stinking cute! :)  I will post again this weekend with craft templates and writing freebie!

I had to share.  In my classroom we do "share time" a little differently.  I created a 'take-home-bag' called the "Mystery Bag" that my kiddos take turns taking home.  It's a black drawstring bag {so nobody can peak}.  The kids take it home and are allowed to put ONE toy {or whatever they choose} inside.  But that's not all, they also have to write 3 clues for their item.  The next day they read one clue at a time and the rest of the kiddos take turns guessing what it could be.  We guess until we get it right and/or we're all just way off! :)  
This sweet friend brought in his camera and insisted on taking a picture of the class.  He was very 'professional' about it too!

Marvelous Monday folders.  These babies are the brainchild of THE Kim Adsit.  After attending her DI for the Little Guy conference last spring {read about it HERE} I knew I HAD to begin doing this in my class.

How is works:
Kiddos write in this journal every single Monday.  They are allowed to write about anything they want.  I keep all their papers in these binders.  These binders are great for showing growth to parents and to the kiddos.  My kinder babies love looking back at their first couple entries and comparing them to how they write now.  They are always so impressed with themselves.
The first picture shows a students "writing" the first day of school and the second shows her writing from this past Monday.  Thank you, Kim for the wonderful idea!!!

Wednesday, me and the rest of my kindergarten teammates enjoyed a delicious breakfast during our half-day planning day {we call them "wacky Wednesdays}.  I will admit...I ate every last bit of that deliciousness! YUMMO! Do you get half-day planning days?

Leave some love if you makes my day! :)


  1. Love your Monday journals. So glad you included pictures. Something that we should try in our room. A great way for kiddos to write their thoughts/experiences/etc. Love that they can show growth too. :)
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  2. I love your tissue paper seahorse.
    Fun in ECSE

  3. I am {loving} the "Mystery Bag" share idea!! I will definitely have to incorporate that for next year- thanks :) :)

    3rd Grade Thoughts

  4. I went to the DI workshop last winter too around the same time. Your picture looked like familiar surroundings! I went to the Orlando one... I know she had one in Tampa too. Kim Adsit is a phenomenal presenter! :0)

    We don't have half planning days. Looks like a yummy treat to start you all off!
    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

  5. My favorite picture is the one where one of your little ones is taking a class picture.
    Super sweet!
    My Second Sense

  6. I LOVE your Marvelous Monday Folders! I'm so "stealing" that idea for next year! Thanks for sharing! Good luck on Monday without your helper :(

    Lucky to Be in First!

  7. I love your shark craftivity:) Super adorable!

    The Resourceful Apple


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