Sunday, January 13, 2013

Snow... in Florida!!!

I lied.  It's not snowing in Florida.  In fact, it's quite the opposite.  It will reach 80 degrees January.  I don't like it.  If it's suppose to be cold then it should be cold!  I'm pasty white and in no condition to be wearing public, but it's just too hot to be wearing pants! I know many other teachers who live in the South where it's hot and humid are loving the warm tempartures returning but I am NOT one of those people.

But I am one of those teachers who love having pretend snowball fights in my classroom! One of my first blog posts two years ago {that's just crazy!!} was all about a snowball my classroom...with sight words!

You can read more about it HERE!

I have had a snowball fight ever since and the kiddos could not love it more!
Something about getting to throw crumpled up paper at a friend just gets everyone so excited! Lots of giggles and smiles.

I've noticed a lot of other teachers have begun to use this *phenomenon* :)
They've put a little twist to it and I LOVE it and can't wait to use their ideas.
Check these out:

Cara Carroll from The First Grade Parade used "snowballs" {crumpled up paper} to use in a whole group greater than/less than activity.
I'm also thinking of using this activity but have the kiddos place "snowballs" to fill a ten-frame.  In her post HERE you can read all about **THREE** awesome math activities she used in her classroom for whole group lessons.  I mean ... brilliant!

Then, there's this:

Becca Foxwell from First Grade in Foxwell Forest created a mini-unit specifically for a classroom snowball fight activity!  This snowball fight focuses on real and nonsense words!  She's even created a recording sheet to go with it!  I love this idea of having the kiddos record their findings after playing in the "snow"!! 
This would make a great center or small group activity as well.
Click HERE to check it out!

There are so many things you can do with a crumpled up piece of paper.  Let your imagination run wild and let the kiddos have the time of their life! 

How would you use a snowball fight in your classroom?


  1. Having snowball fights sounds like such a fun idea! It seems like so many people are posting about them lately. I want to try it with my kids. I might do sight words or math vocabulary. The kids would have to read the word or read it and tell what it meant.

    Compassionate Teacher

  2. Kelly! You are so so sweet to highlight my Snowball Fight mini unit! :) Thanks so much for the shout out! Your blog is absolutely adorable! I seriously don't know how I wasn't already following you--just totally fixed that and am your newest follower! :)

    First Grade in Foxwell Forest


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!