Friday, January 18, 2013

Five for Friday!

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I am so excited to participate in my first Five for Friday! woohoo!

1. Penguins.  
The beginning of this week we wrapped up our learning on penguins.  We LOVED learning about penguins.  Just like many other teachers have blogged about, it was so awesome to watch and hear the kiddos soak in all the information about penguins and then use that knowledge/terminology in their daily work.  Regurgitation, fledglings, etc... 

This is our "schema file" for the week.  Isn't he cute?! We named our chart Patty the Penguin! :)  

We also completed our tree map on penguins. I love that my kiddos can name each kind of chart! We also painted our penguins in their natural habitat but I completely forgot to take that picture.

2. Character Day
This week was also Celebrate Literacy Week in my district {maybe the state, I dunno}  Monday was Character Day.  The kiddos got to dress up as their favorite book character.  Needless to say, there were a lot of princesses and heroes! :)  Just take a look:

Here's a pic of some of the rest of my fellow colleagues:

Of course, I'm front and center...and the only one with my book! 

3. Read to Self.
I **LOVE** watching my kiddos reading during our Daily Five rotations.

I also love catching them when they are into a book.

4. Boutique find.
The sign says it all!

5. Weather.
I know we have all be feeling it.  On Monday, I could've gone to the beach and SWAM! It reached 80 degrees.  Today is a different story.  FREEZING!

I will be enjoying this tonight! :)

Come back this weekend for a quick giveaway!
Happy Friday!


  1. Cute blog! I found you through the linky :)
    I love the idea of dressing up as your favorite character. I might have to steal that idea!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  2. I love the penguin charts. We have not gotten to penguins yet. We have a lot of mandated curriculum so I have to be creative and squeeze extra pieces in here and there. I will have to keep that schema chart in mind.


  3. Oh my goodness! Your class picture is so precious :) Your penguin anchor charts are super cute; saving them for next year! Thanks for sharing.

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  4. Hi Kelly,
    Found you through the linky! Cute blog! I also celebrated Literacy Week...I think it's a Florida thing. We did an author study of Chris Van Allsburg. I also do Daily 5 and it is wonderful to see the kids lost in books. Thanks for sharing your five!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

  5. I am so glad you joined the linky! I am a new follower. I got hooked just by the name of your blog and loved reading your 5! I love your picture of your student reading, awesome!

  6. Your boutique find cracks me up!

    I too love watching my students get wrapped up in a great book during Read to Self. I am going to ransack your blog for more Daily 5 ideas.

    Expect comments and questions on a lot of old posts!

    The Frizz

  7. I love the penguin anchor chart. I will be doing that this week, thank you. I am your newest follower.

    The First Grade Princess


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!