Sunday, December 2, 2012

Currently and Conference Talk

Have I mentioned lately I **LOVE** this time of year?! :)
Get a cup of coffee and get comfy, it's going to be slightly long.

Yes, my doggies have their own couch in our living room. They are slightly spoiled!
Am I the only one or do you get anxiety over having a sub in your classroom.  I know many subs are fabulous and do a wonderful job, but I get slightly anxious about returning.  Yes, as soon as I'm done posting this I will be heading to my classroom to make sure everything's in order.

Make sure to head over to Farley's blog to link up.  Click below!


PHEW! Told ya it would be abnormally long today!  
You should be able to click on the images for direct links.  Please let me know if it's not working! :)

Happy Sunday!

side note:  The adorable background was found at MyMemories.  I also used their awesome software to create the slides!  Click the blinky on the top right side of my blog to be directed to their awesome stuff!


  1. I would love this month to slow down as well! Glad I found you through Farley's Currently--I'm your newest follower :)

  2. Stopping by from Farley's! LOVE your blog design...and totally get the dog-love thing!

    Making It As A Middle School Teacher

  3. You linked up with Farley right after me! Thanks again for the Making Memories Softward (I won your giveaway!) I can't wait to have some time to play with it! I follow your blog too! I used to get to go to conferences, but can't anymore :( money issues in our district. I agree, I always come back jazzed! Love your blog!
    Second Grade is Out of this World

  4. Hi, so nice to meet a fellow Floridian out here in the blogosphere!

    The Learning Metamorphosis

  5. Found you through Farley's linky. How exciting that you got to attend a conference and meet Deanna Jump. So jealous! I'm a new follower!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

  6. I'm actually attending a week long seminar this week. I love taking classes :)


  7. That is great that you got to meet Deanna! I am on your side agreeing with December slowing down. I love the holidays so much and they are zooming past!

    I'm your newest follower. I'm quite glad I found your blog through the Currently linkup.
    I'd love for you to come swing by my blog.
    Second Grade Nest

  8. It's me again! I received my binding machine and goodies today! Here is a link to the blog post I made about it! Thanks again.
    Thank You

  9. I teach 1st, but would have LOVED to go! What conference was it? I am just an hour from Orlando:(

    So glad you have an amazing time though!

    The Resourceful Apple
    I am having a HUGE giveaway to celebrate 12-12-12 and would love you to stop by!

  10. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

    Conference Giveaways

  11. I love that your dogs have their own couch. Dogs deserve to be spoiled:))
    Glad your conference was so much fun!
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!