Sunday, November 25, 2012

A Whale of a Sale!

{Isn't that the cutest little whale?!}

I love good deals and there are TONS of them happening in less than 4 hours! 
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time-off from work and although I'm not excited about tomorrow being Monday because of the whole work thing...I AM excited about it being Monday because then I can press that "purchase" button at TPT   and TN! :)

I am holding sales at BOTH of my stores!
I just added a NEW math game to my Primary Number Sense packet.

It's a super fun and simple math center that my kiddos L-O-V-E! I have to put this center in constant rotation! The center requires them to count and do simple addition.  Click either pictures to check it out!
I also just posted my new jam-packed unit:

You can see and read more about this unit HERE!
Can't wait to push that button and share all the goodies I got with you!!

I also started a FB PAGE {man, I HAVE been busy this break}!
Go "LIKE" it and leave a comment here letting me know you did and I will choose one winner to receive my Polar Express unit FREE!

I *LOVE* getting comments, don't you?! :)


  1. I "Like" your FB page...I think I'm number 4! You have been very productive! Your Polar Express unit looks so cute! :o)

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  2. I just liked your Facebook page. Your Polar Express unit looks great!

  3. Great work! I was just on TPT and saw your name as a headline on the front page and thought I recognized it from a college class. Awesome to see another Flagler grad making such awesome resources! LOVE your stuff, thanks for making my life a little less work :)

  4. It was great meeting you today at the Kindergarten Conference. Stay in touch.


  5. Hi Kelly, just came across your blog site and found it very interesting and helpful. Looking forward to see more stuffs and resources from your site.

  6. Just found your blog through Farley's Currently... LOVE your Polar Express activities! Definitely pinning it to use next year (we're currently doing a batch of Christmas centers I dreamed up).

    Thanks for sharing!

    Mr. First Grade


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!