Monday, July 23, 2012

More...about me! *updated

**My sweet friend insisted I take down a "boring" fact and include a more "fun fact"  Those of you have already read about me...can you spot it?

Amy Lemons is hosting another awesome linky party! You may have remembered Cara's Meet the Teacher linky party a little over a year ago...well now you get to know MORE! {you wanted to know more about me, right?!}
Since I feel like I already *know* so many of you and talk about you to others as if you're a part of my every day life, I thought it would be fun to join in!:)

I'm not even sure where to begin!

This is my hubby's "favorite" pic of us {from 2 years ago...I have brown hair now}.  I really think he choose to *love* this one because he looks good in it, not me.  My hubbers is not very photogenic and we end up having to take 30,000,000 photos until he's satisfied.  Isn't this suppose to be the girls problems? Anyways, he is my perfect person and the only one who can make me laugh so hard I can't breathe and often pee my pants a little! :)  He is also the only person I can NEVER stay mad at. He will literally sit and stare at me until I crack.  Love him!

 I am O.B.S.E.S.S.E.D with these two shows.  They are polar opposites of one another, I know, but I could watch these shows from episode one all the way through OVER and OVER! I win every trivia questions regarding Friends and am  counting down the days until Dexter Season 7 begins!!!  This also leads me to another fact...I secretly want to be a blood spatter analyst. I know, weird and somewhat gross.
I am a complete coffee snob.  I love Starbucks. I love Starbucks so much that I am a proud member of the "Gold Card Club" and frequently earn enough stars for a free drink at least once a month.  That means I've had 15 coffee's per free one.  You should see me in the mornings after my second cup! :p

 In high school I dated a guy from every "clique."  There was the guy from church, the guy with the low-rider, the college drop-out {my parents were so proud}, Mr. Ralph Lauren, the hunter, the baseball player, the 'emo' one, Mr. All-American, and the motorcross name a few! I like to think of myself as "well-rounded!" :)
  I was the BIGGEST tomboy growing up. {I refuse to put up a picture of me at that age...sorry}  I grew up on 14 acres in.the.middle.of.nowhere.  Find Shiloh, FL on a map and that's where I was raised.  Ha.  You can't, it's okay.  It's right next to Micanopy.  Fun fact: Doc Hollywood was filmed there!

Pretty Woman is my all-time **favorite** movie.  I've watched it too many times to count and will watch it EVERY TIME it comes on tv. I love Julia Roberts!!

I love scary movies.  Old school horror flicks are my faves, however, I do not watch them alone, I must have a blanket over me, and all the lights must be turned on! When the movie's over I then have to watch at least one episode of Friends before I can head to bed!

I am slightly obsessed with collecting post-it notes. Sadly, this is not all of them.  I might have a problem. :P

I workout solely so that I can continue to eat whatever I want.  My nickname is Cookie Monster. Enough said.

 Now off to read some more about other fabulous bloggers! 


  1. I have never watched Dexter. But I love the show Friends. I love all your cute post it notes!

    The Hive

  2. Between my husband and I dislike pics, we take like 100 retakes!!! I just started watching Dexter yesterday and I must say, I'm already hooked!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. You & I have a lot in common with movies & TV shows! Dexter is my absolute favorite show. Michael C. Hall is so awesome & I can't wait until it starts again!! My friends & I have a Dexter night every week lol. I also LOVE Pretty Woman. That's a movie I have literally watched over & over & I never get tired of it. It was great getting to know you more!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. It's such fun to read more about our blog buddies!
    You and your husband are gorgeous! I love your post it obsession too!

  5. I don't remember the bits about Starbucks or the types of men you dated being here the first time. But, I don't remember what's missing. :(

  6. Love learning about other bloggers. I can totally relate to taking a million pictures and still none turn out. Hence, why I haven't posted too many of me!! Ha, Ha!!

  7. You and I have some things in common! I'm totally obsessed with Dexter and can't wait til season 7! My boyfriend calls me cookie monster too lol

  8. Friends, Dexter, and Pretty Women are all great! Good taste ;)! So glad I found you through the linky. Looking forward to sharing ideas!

    The Second Grade Superkids

  9. Love your blog! I have the same Post-It note addiction! I'm sure there is some new poppsych term for it. Mine is so bad that one of the drawers in my "teacher" desk has two of the little black plastic drawer organizer thingies just to organize my Post Its. But I love this addiction ;)


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