Monday, June 25, 2012

Hobby Lobby is...

on crack! :)

I mean I know they like to get things out ahead of time but SERIOUSLY! There are SO many more holidays before Christmas! I mean MY BIRTHDAY! :) ha

Ok.  I was just in SHOCK when I saw 6 aisles being set up with Christmas stuff.  After I snapped back into reality and realized it wasn't even July 4th I got back to my list.  My list of a million things that I WANT to buy {but didn't because lets face it...I'm on a teacher's salary}.
I did get lots of goodies for Pinterest inspired crafts.  Will be back later with the results...if everything goes well.
Tropical Storm Debby has been here for over 24 hours and is not planning on leaving the area for AT LEAST another 24 hours, which means I've got to keep myself busy.  

I'm not sure about you but when it rains I **love** to sit on the couch, browse the internet, and watch some Lifetime movies.  The problem is, the movies that are on today I've already seen.  ALL OF THEM.

I have a problem.

Don't forget to check out my new communication binders.  I'm so proud of them. They're kinda cute:

Okay.  Off to get my craft on!


  1. LOL I know right?!?! I was just in there today & I thought the same exact thing. Christmas in June?? And not just 1 aisle full, but 6 like you said. I just can't think about Christmas before I even start the next school year!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. That's nuts! I saw that last week when I was there! Once you get your crafts made, head over and link up with my Monday Made It linky:) All kinds of craftin going on there:) That storm has been causing a mess here!! Stay dry:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  3. I just found out that there's a Hobby Lobby 20 minutes from me!!!!!

  4. I was there last Tuesday & the aisle were full of Christmas stuff. CRAZY! I don't even want to see that stuff!
    :) Tamera

  5. Debbie needs to keep moving! Florida is SOAKED?!? I'm here in Orlando and doesn't look bright anywhere I turn. :( Try to stay dry...can't wait to see what crafting goodies you're up to!

    The Learning Tree

  6. I just went to Hobby Lobby for the first time today! It was FULL of Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas stuff. I just assumed that stuff is always there, but if they are really getting ready for the holidays THAT early, it's CRAZY!!

    Krazy About Kiddos

  7. It's been up for 3 weeks now! There, Michaels, and JoAnns! It's also being put out at Walmart... what happened to all the holidays between now and then!??

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  8. Okay, that's hilarious! Have to love some Hobby Lobby!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade

  9. You probably already have earned this but I am giving you the One Lovely Blog Award! I love visiting your blog and had to do it!
    Visit my blog to grab it!
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  10. I just had my FIRST Hobby Lobby experience today. They finally put them here in Southern California. Let me just say that I was in heaven!!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  11. Kelly, I just found your blog from browsing your TN shop. Like you, I really adore the "Old Lady Who..." books. I did a few posts about "Old Lady Who..." books that might interest you. I also have tons of freebies on my blog for K, pre-k and 1st. If you have the time, I would love for you to stop by. Maybe my blog will be more entertaining than Lifetime movie repeats. :)

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT

  12. I saw that too! I about died. I first saw the fall, then I saw the Christmas!!! I have a great giveaway on my blog! Hope you'll enter!

    Kindergarten Korner


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!