Sunday, June 24, 2012

Communication Binders & WINNER

First thing's first. 
After 1,018 entries the winner is...

Congrats Lori!  Start checking your inbox! :)

Thank you to all of you who participated in the giveaway and a HUGE thank you to those of you who actually followed the "rules!" :)

I wanted to post this announcement first thing this morning, however, tropical storm Debby had other plans and decided to to make us "powerless" for two hours!  That wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so dark due to the thunder clouds!


Next up a communication tool that I use every year and LOVE!
I use a parent-teacher communication binder as a way to keep in touch with parents on a daily basis.  The idea is to keep the parents actively involved with their child's daily education/school "life" and give the students something to be responsible for.  
Each year at the end of the year I give parents a survey and ask them to "grade" me on my communication skills and give me any praise/advice.  Each year I receive numerous comments on my binders.  They LOVE them! They like being able to hold their children accountable (with behavior and homework) and like that they can easily see what their child is learning and how they are doing.  So with that said, I created a new version of my FISH Book and while I was at it created three other binders (some were requested by fellow colleagues).

You can check them out at my TPT Store
Woohoo! So proud of myself for getting those done! :)
Now... putting on my rainboots and taking the dogs outside to potty! Should be interesting as one of my sweet pups is a bit of a "priss" and won't step on wet grass! HA! Well, here I go...


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!