Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...MY edition!

So I was planning on leaving this post anyways, but when I was starting to come up with the appropriate title, this is what came to mind!!!  I am L.O.V.I.N.G. this Wednesday! 
For starters, I attended orientation for this years Summer Reading Academy in which I was chosen among hundreds to teach at {this in and of it's self is a HUGE compliment and achievement}!  I had a blast meeting other fabulous teachers, getting all my materials, and learning how to use them all.  Nothing excites this teacher more than getting new materials, which in turn, sent me straight to my next favorite thing {well... place}:

HOBBY LOBBY!  My town JUST got one {I use to have to stalk up on their goodies when I went home to visit family}!  I'm pretty sure I love this store more than the Dollar Tree and Target!  Ok. Maybe not Target.  But let me tell you my mind started cranking while I was in there and after a solid hour wondering around the many isles I came home with these goodies:

Yes, I know...that's not really a lot!!  I had to limit myself or I would have gone NUTS!  I really want these sweet kiddos to really be engaged and excited about spending the next 20 days with me while we do some intense learning so I came up with some things that I will be able to take back to my own classroom next year.
The big yellow bucket is amazing.  Not only was it only $4 but the black part is a chalkboard! LOVE 
I plan on writing "Magical Reading Goodies" or something to that nature on the front.  Inside I will place their magic reading glasses {already purchased... they are simply fun glasses from the Dollar Tree that I take the lenses out kids go crazy for those things}, fun pointers {I will attach the cute wooden animals and sun to a wood rod}, and eyelighters.
The star bucket will contain smaller "star reader" pointers, stickers, and bookmarks {all which I purchased from the Dollar Tree}.
My favorite purchase is the cowbell!  Every time I look at it or say it's name it reminds me of the Saturday Night Live episode..."Give me more cowbell!" :)  I'm going to write my name on it with puffy-paint and tie a huge bow, with a TON of ribbon on the top!  Not sure how I will use it during the summer reading academy, but I will definitely use it in my own classroom!

I'm also loving that I won my very first giveaway!!!  I swear, much like many of you, I NEVER win anything!  I'm excited because I won THREE fairy tale units from three amazing teachers whom I stalk daily!  This has been one awesome Wednesday!


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!