Friday, June 10, 2011

Parent-Teacher Communication

So for the past three years I've used these nifty little binders to help with parent-teacher communication.  I can not express to you how much I LOVE them and so do the parents.  They are a great way to organize information, communicate to parents, keep students on track, and hold students accountable!
They have been called many things, BEE Book, STAR Book, etc., however mine is the FISH Book {which totally goes along with my beach theme}!  FISH stands for Family Involvement Starts Here.  
Of course I wouldn't have any pictures handy of these cute little binders in action, but they are simple three-ring binders that have a pocket on the front to place the cover.
This is the FISH Book Cover!  I place this on the outside of the folder/binder.  I also put a label on the side of the binder with the students name so that when I'm looking to place something in a student's binder I can easily find it!
This is the first page {after a letter explaining each section of the notebook to the parent}.  I place each of the following pages inside page protectors so that they do not get ruined throughout the year.  Behind this page is blank sheets of writing paper. This is where parent can jot down a quick note for me and/or vise versa.  I check these in the morning as students come in {they are required to place their FISH Book in designated baskets that are next to my desk before beginning morning work/activities}.  It's the most simple way for me to communicate with parents.
fishschedulesheet[1]This sheet is next.  This is where I place a copy of our daily schedule and my long range plans for the year.  This is great because parents can easily see what there child is doing throughout the day {if they need to chose an appropriate time for an appointment, etc..} and what their child will be learning throughout the year.  My parents say they love knowing what their child is learning about and what the expectations are.
Fish Reading Log Sheet 2The next section... Reading Log.  In my school, each first grader is required to read for 15-20 minutes nightly as homework {in addition to other things}.  This is a section where I place a table that allows students to take charge of their reading and learning. They are required to write the title of the book(s) read, how long they read for, and then a parent signature.  I give a sheet for the month.  It seems to work best {without a lot of changing out papers}.
fishbehavior&rulessheet2Here is the last section.  Here I place my classroom's behavior plan as well as my expectations for myself and my students.  Behind that sheet is a calendar that I mark daily.  I place the color that each child ended on each day and the parents are required to sign nightly.  This allows problems to be immediately addressed.  There's also space where I can write notes to the parent in reference to the particular behavior.  It's great!

So this is what I create each year for my parents to help with communication... what do you do?!

Side note:  You should be able to click on the photo and download.  This is my first time doing this so let me know if I failed!! :)  Happy Friday!


  1. awww! I love it. Too bad I have a safari theme going on this year. I love the stuff you made!

  2. Kelly, this is a great idea! Thanks!

  3. Thanks for sharing!! I'm going to try these out this next school year. Would it be possible to see your behavior sheet and reading log? Thanks again for sharing :)

  4. Also, where are your clip art & font from? Thanks :)

  5. I do not have a computer that allows me to save my stuff as PDF files so if you would like me to email you the reading log and behavior charts I will be happy to... just know that the font will have changed :(

    The clipart is mixed between Scrappin Doodles and Lettering Delights. The font is CK Handprint and I actually downloaded off a link that I found on Cara Carroll's website under her "Q & A" section!

    I hope that was helpful!! Just give me your email and I will get those documents to you!!

  6. I used the FISH folder last year and loved it! :) I'm going to modify it this year! I love the folder!

  7. I think these are really cute!! This will be my first year using a communication binder with my students. I tried to download your cover, but scribd said it's part of the archive and won't let me unless I pay :( Would you be able to send me the cover? Thank you so much!!



  8. I noticed you said you would email the behavior chart if you were given an email. I would love it too! My email is:

    Thank you so much!!!

  9. Hi! I just discovered you blog and I love it! Could you please send me the reading blog and behavior charts to me as well? my email is

    Thank you a bunch!!!

  10. I'm going to be teaching kindergarten this year and I am hoping to use a parent communication binder. How do you normally manage these? Do you check them in the morning when the kids come in? Do they have a special place to put the binders or do they stay at their seat? Whatever details you have would be greatly appreciated. Your blog and all of your ideas are wonderful!

  11. My business partners were needing OK TDF 19 earlier today and came across a great service that hosts a ton of fillable forms . If others need OK TDF 19 too , here's


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!