Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow Day... in Florida! wasn't really snow but we sure enjoyed acting like it was! :)  Since we NEVER get to play in snow in Florida, I created these extremely simple 'snowballs'.  I printed sight words on white copy paper, cut them in half, and balled them up into 'snowballs'.  The kids had to open the snowball and read the word before they could throw it.  To make it more exciting they had to yell the word out!  My kids could not have had more fun!!!

Here we are with our snowballs in hand and our targets in our mind and in sight!!  ... Don't mind my messy desk, or the sweet friend on the chair...oops!

In action...laughing the ENTIRE time!

 I highly recommend this 'snowball' activity.  Such a great way for them to 'let loose,' have some fun, and practice their sight words! :)

Onto another note:  Can NOT get this stinkin' picture to turn the right way to save my life BUT this is a picture of our peace doves that we created during our Martin Luther King Jr. Unit.  I snagged this idea from Mrs. Larremore's MLK mini unit!  So cute, even though they kind of resemble fish more than dove's. :)
 I sent home these awesome bookmarks to give parents some great reading strategy ideas to use at home when they're reading with their little one's.  I got the copy of the book mark from Mrs. Bainbridge's website, then glued them to poster board, and laminated them! So simply and easy and I know the parent's will use them because my first graders are obsessed with book marks! 

Here's to another great week and the WEEKEND!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I live in Ohio... so we get PLENTY of snow. In fact, LOTS of lake effect snow from Lake Erie. However, I am going to be using this with my third graders! Thanks for sharing this cute idea! How FUN!


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