Sunday, January 23, 2011

Character Day

I am so excited!  This week is Celebrate Literacy Week and on Friday my class, along with the other first grade classes, will be participating in Character Day!! This is a chance for my kiddos to dress up and if you know ME, and my kiddos, we L-O-V-E to dress up!  I already know who I will be dressing up as... no other than... Fancy Nancy!!!  :)  To prepare for this fun filled day of literacy fun, I have sent home a Character Book Report.  You can download it HERE.
The kids have all week to complete the report and get the costume all together.  On Friday we will each get a turn to sit in the Author's Chair and tell all about our character, our favorite book that our favorite character is in, and why we love them so!  I can't wait to post the pictures of us all dressed up!

Who's your favorite character?


  1. CUTE IDEA! I love it! We do something similar in my third grade class. We read Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster and then have a word parade. I love the character idea though, and I'd be interested in hearing more about what you do. By the way, I can't access your file. Bummer!

  2. I just realized you can't get the file! I'm going to work on that! If it still doesn't work in a bit I will gladly email it to you!
    Thanks for the heads up!


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!