Thursday, December 11, 2014

A Christmas Conversation + Baby

My life has changed. Completely. Of course everyone told me that it would but I just didn't realize just how much it would change.

That sweet little boy is my greatest accomplishment. 
So in love.

Now that we have a little bundle of joy, we are beginning our own holiday traditions this year. I'm linking up with Abby from The Inspired Apple to tell ya all about it!

The time of year between Thanksgiving and New Years are my absolute favorite! Time with family and friends is always the best.

Want to play along?
Click the link below to join in on the fun!


  1. Ha, Kelly!!!! I cracked up at the last one!!!! I'm coming to your house!!!!!!

  2. Kelly,
    Congratulations on your baby boy! He is precious! My favorite gift was also something from my childhood. Funny, the ones that stick with us. Would you believe I've never tried spiked eggnog? I just love the regular stuff so much I guess I never got around to trying it. Might have to this year. Like Abby said, I might have to come to your house. The Bahamas isn't too far from Florida. :)
    Joya :)

  3. Aww your precious little boy...Christmas as a mommy is the BEST! I just love that you play christmas drinking games, lol! That'lll get you in the Christmas spirit, HA!

  4. Congratulations! So adorable! Babies definitely make the holidays better :)

  5. I might need to add that eggnog game to our next viewing of Christmas Vacation! Your baby is so cute--that hair OMG! I forgot about The Family Stone--love that one!

    The Sassy Sub

  6. Your sweet baby is so adorable! Ah, it makes my baby fever crazy. We have awhile to wait for our next little nugget is due! Congratulations!! By the way, we don't have any lights outside either. I think we are the only house on our street :(


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