Sunday, November 2, 2014


What I find hilarious is that my last post was the October currently. 
Seriously, where has the time gone? 

I don't even really have time to be writing this post, but I thought maybe you might be worried about where I've been. Because I'm such an important part of your daily lives, right?! :)

I have not listened to Jack Johnson in a lifetime and I'm so glad that the hubs decided to start our morning off with his melodic music! 

Holy cold front!!! Friday reached a high of 80 and then Saturday reached a high of 61.  For us Floridians, that's a big deal.  Not to mention we had a wind chill too! This nice change in weather won't last long for us, as it's suppose to get back up to the 80's next week. whomp, whomp

This morning marks my ninth month of pregnancy, which means the Little Dudder will be here THIS MONTH!  As excited as the hubs and I are, I'm freaking out just a little bit! We still don't have the nursery all set up {the construction worker man of a hubby, has "big plans" for what we're going to do with the new guest room, so all the guest room items are still hanging out in the nursery}. It will be happening this week. Fingers crossed.
I realized that he could come early, so I will be packing our hospital bags today. Just in case. 

Did I mention we need to finish the nursery?!  Dear heavens!

My maternity sub plans are coming together really nicely though.
I got to interview some prospects and we've selected a current Kinder intern who has been at our school for the past two years.  She knows us, our curriculum, the school, and knows my kiddos {for the most part}. HUGE sigh of relief.
My sub binder is coming together really nicely and I will be adding pages to the packet in the next week, as my OCD-self found some more things that could be added to help cover all bases while you're away from you room.
This could be a blessing or overwhelming annoyance for subs, but I'm loving all the details I'm leaving. She shouldn't miss a thing or have to second-guess anything while I'm away! :) Relinquish control. I must relinquish control.

Click book to check it out.
I am currently reading Jenny McCarthy's book Belly Laughs and it is 
Perfect book to read while pregnant.  If you're looking for some real information in a funny, relatable way then this is your book!

My goal this month is to share something I'm doing in the classroom with you.  Really anything before the Little Man comes. I promise to do my best!
Until then, check out some more amazing teachers.


  1. You and I are on the same track, although I"m little further out than you! Congrats on your baby's arrival. I LOVE nesting and have been doing it since we found out we were pregnant with our second. Happy baby!


  2. Being out on maternity leave is stressful until the baby is here, and that becomes your focus. It sounds like you have a great sub lined up who will be great in your absence. Take these last few weeks to relax and enjoy the calm before the storm.
    Kovescence of the Mind


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!