Monday, August 11, 2014

Meet the Teacher Blogger


I love a good linky party and this one if perfect for this time of year!
I have done {at least} two of these types of posts before but they're always so fun and I love getting to know the people behind the posts/IG pics that I follow.

Hey! My name is Kelly and I am a {in 19 days} 30 year old wife, teacher, blogger, and soon to be mama

This is me and my hubby of 7 years. We've been together for 12 years. That's right you math guru's, we were 18 years old when we first met.  Love that man!

This Thanksgiving we will be meeting a precious little Mister! We are beyond excited to be starting a little family of our own but are also scared out of our minds! 

We have two perfect little pups. Okay, they're not so little but they are first babies and they are currently our world. Love fur babies!!!

These are a few of my favorite things…
The color blue. Stripes. Tervis tumblers with cute straws. Red wine. Chocolate chip cookies. Really…all food. Victoria Secret everything. Water {that you swim and lay next to} of all kinds. Traveling. All trash tv. Friends…the tv show. Blog stalking.

If you weren't a teacher, what would you want to be?
Boutique owner and/or blood splatter analyst. Yes, those are two totally different career paths and one is slightly creepy. I promise I'm not a psycho! :)

Three little words that describe you.
Loyal. Outgoing. Funny

Finish the sentence, " ____ said no teacher EVER!"
"I can't wait to sit through another meeting during pre-planning week…said no teacher EVER"  LET ME INTO MY ROOM! 

Q: It's your birthday and you can invite anyone {dead or alive} to the party. Who are you inviting? 
Jennifer Anniston and Paul Walker

Q: If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?
Margaritas and Monograms

Q: You get to pick one superpower. What is it?
The ability to be invincible.

Q: What's your favorite quote or saying?
"Say what you mean, but don't say it mean"

Q: If you had to sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
No Doubt "Don't Speak"
That's just the first song that popped up…not the only one I would choose. Pretty much any late 80's and 90's songs! :)

Q: Are you a morning person or a night owl?
I get more stuff done in the morning but I can stay up late some nights.  It all just depends. I'm flexible and it depends on how much coffee I have access to! :)

What's your favorite resource that you've created in your TPT store?'s one I am currently utilizing:

But I'm using my new covers:

Share something we might not know about you.

My hubby's parents and my parents actually went to high school and college together and we had never met until we were 18.  He was living in Boston and I was living in Gainesville, FL.  I first saw a picture of him in my local paper.  The article had nothing to do with my town. We met in person a month later after our parents reconnected and the rest is history! :)

Now it's your turn.  Click the link to meet other awesome people and/or link up and join the fun!

AND make sure to check out Blog Hoppin' all week for Teacher Week!!


  1. Now I have "Don't Speak" going on in my head! Lol. Great to learn more about you!
    Journey of a Substitute Teacher

  2. Love your book title. Margaritas and Monograms are two of my favorite things!!

  3. Congrats on your mister!! Our first child was a boy too!! We love our little man! I love your quote!!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  4. Congrats on your little Mister! H&H 9 months! How cool that you saw your husband in the newspaper? I've been to Gainesville- my husband did his MBA at UF.


  5. I think we are long-lost sisters... all of your answers are pretty much exactly what I would have said!
    ~Mrs. K. from The Teacher Garden Blog

  6. Well I love your page! :)
    Your baby bump is absolutely adorable and I love how you met your husband. That's so neat! :)
    I'm also totally feeling your "said no teacher ever" quote. We are just now able to get in on this Thursday and the next Thursday is open house. On top of PD all day. I'm a mess! Awesome to get to know you!

    Mrs Thomas's Class

  7. Love the long term sub planner! I had my baby in June, so I am taking off at the beginning of school...will definitely be utilizing this!

  8. So fun reading all of these little tidbits about you! Love the idea of being a boutique would be so fun picking out goodies for a store!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  9. So fun to read about you! Having a baby is amazing! We have an almost 5 month old (August 25th). It will change your life forever!

    I am your newest follower! Have a great week!
    Tales from a Very Busy Teacher
    Marine :)

  10. congrats on the baby!! Boys are AWESOME! But I am confused...your husband and your parents went high school and college together? How is that possible? He certainly doesn't look old enough to be the same age as your parents...did I miss something? LOL I know its trivial but it is one of those things that will keep me awake at night! :)

    1. Haha! That would be my husband's parents! whoops! :)


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