Sunday, May 4, 2014

Managing the Final Days + Currently

Currently I'm…

Love the 'surprise' section of this months currently.
I wanted to SURPRISE Katie from Little Warriors. If you already follow her blog then you know she is amazing.

I wanted to showcase her Earth Day activity pack, Where Does the Garbage Go, that I purchased and used this year.  The experiment in this pack is completely hands-on and really gives your little ones an understanding of the "Three R's"
My kiddos are still talking about that experiment!

Don't forget to link up with Farley!

Ok… Now onto managing the final days of school. 
We all know that after spring break the kids are…well…a little cray-cray!  That's when it's time to up your classroom management game.
There are two things that I have been doing with my kiddos and it's working like a charm.  Most days! :)

So my kiddos this year love a little friendly competition. So to get them reviewing their sight words and earning "table points" I set up each table with a different sight word and listed the words on the board.

I change the sight words each week.  The incentive is that whichever table has the most tally marks/points at the end of the day gets to go to fun centers first. Some days we don't make it to fun centers, but they don't know that! ;)

My next classroom management tool first originated from the ladies at What the Teacher Wants.  I snagged their management freebie a couple years ago and my kids LOVED it. Now that its been a couple years, the interest in characters have changed.  So I updated their amazing management tool to meet this years group of kiddos.
Let me tell you how it works:
The ladies at What the Teacher Wants first created this tool as a friendly competition among peers.  They used Team Bieber and Team Skywalker
How stinkin cute are they?!
 Each student chooses which team they want to be on and they get a tag that is taped to their desk.  Throughout the day, every time someone was caught on task their team would earn a point. Whichever team at the end of the day/week with the most points earned a prize.  You can check out their complete blog post HERE.  They remembered to take pictures! :) 

My kiddos this year have been all about Frozen and Mr. Peabody, so I simply changed the characters but the game is still the same. Introducing Team Olaf and Team Peabody!
{I was given permission by the ladies at What the Teacher Wants to do so and share with you}

You can grab a free copy of this behavior management tool {here}!

What are some of your favorite classroom management ideas for the end of the year?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly! Love the management ideas-- my kids are also driving me a little crazy! It's like they are already on break and we have a ways to go still (June 6th!). Will definitely try that. Thanks for all your great ideas and Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

    First Grade and Flip Flops


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!