Sunday, April 6, 2014

Five for…well...

I have a problem.  I am a procrastinator. 
So, without further ado (or procrastinating) here's what we've been up to.

This past week we learned all about frogs!  We had so much comparing frogs and toads. Living in FL, near lots of body of water, we have lots of frogs readily available to us. So… we went hunting for frogs one day! Of course, I did not have my phone on my to snag a shot of the kiddos but it was a BLAST.

The above two pictures are activities from Deanna's Frog Frenzy pack. 
The frog activity was changed a little.  In the pack she provides a template for writing about frogs, however, I wanted my kiddos to apply the life cycle in a fun way. :)  

Our monarch caterpillars from Insect Lore also arrived mid-week and we are all anxiously awaiting for them to form their pupa. We have been charting each day since they've arrived. Being able to show kiddos a life cycle in action is one of my favorite things! :)

I am so excited about my kiddos writing. More importantly their sentence structure!  We have been working daily in our Super Sentences Book to write sentences with proper sentence structure (capitals only at the beginning, spaces between our words, punctuation, and neat handwriting). My kids are doing so well and I am so excited to show our first grade teachers! 

The left picture is an example of a student who missed two key pieces of proper sentence structure (yes, that's Moby from BrainPop in his and the right picture is an example of one of my 'super writers' as we are calling ourselves! :)

You can check out more on my packet and all of its contents by clicking the picture below.

So we just started our unit of study on 2D shapes this past week. I knew that the majority of my class already knew all their 2D shapes, so I wanted to make reviewing them a little more fun so I purchased Vickie's You Better Shape Up pack and I am so glad that I did!!! 
After identifying and sorting each shape, we created a 'shape man' as I have been calling them.  Look how stinkin cute they are:

His adorable little sign he is showing says:
I have 0 sides.
I have 0 vertices.

Next week we will be focusing on rectangles and triangles! Can't wait!
You can check out her pack below:

I know a lot of school who made their kindergarten classes give up 'fun centers' but thankfully we have not had to…yet.  
With that, I like to change my housekeeping area up throughout the year. I have a post office, doctor's office, vet office, and a pizzeria.
Here's a look at our pizzeria:

The kids absolutely love it!
You can check out more pictures of my center HERE.
Are you allowed to have 'fun centers' in your class?

I'll leave you with this:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Currently + WINNER

Congratulations to Kate!
Thank you to all who enter my 'small' giveaway with Michelle from Apples and ABC's.  You can still check out our products by clicking on the pictures below. Both are under $5!

Now onto currently…

You might think I'm crazy for saying that I want to workout. The thing is I love working out. I love to break a sweat.  BUT ever since I had my surgery, I have not been allowed to workout. It's driving me mad.

My SIL would want you to know that that's the hospitals blanket and beanie. lol
How sweet it my precious baby niece. Taylor Grace came into the world April 1 at 2am! I could not love her more, nor do I want to give her back. I'm smitten!

Please tell me I'm not alone in my need to watch Teen Mom and Teen Mom2? I'm so hooked to those shows. I started watching the girls when they were on 16 and Pregnant {the first 2 seasons it was on} and have been "a part of their lives" ever since.  The hubs doesn't understand. Any other Teen Mom addicts?

I have 41 days left of school and I could not be more excited.
I like to think of it as only 6 more Mondays (we have a Monday off in May).
I.can.not.wait. I have a fun summer planned. #sorrynotsorry

Well that's about it for this hump day! 
Hope yours was fabulous!