Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Giveaway + Sale!

So excited to take part in Cassie's big 3-year blogiversary GIVEAWAY!
Check out what you could win:

 {I'm on there!!}

Just head over to Cassie's blog, Adventures in Teaching, and enter to win!
The giveaway ends this Thursday, 2/27.

More amazing news:
TPT has reached THREE MILLION teachers strong and is celebrating!!

Thanks Rachel for the adorable sign!

Hoping to have this updated by then, too! woohoo!

Click HERE to get your shopping cart loaded! 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Five for 'Fraturday'

I attempted to begin this post last night after school but…well…I just didn't. 
You'll understand why in a sec! 

Since I have been horrible about posting lately, I'm going to start off by taking you back  a little bit to last Friday, Valentine's Day. 

We took this picture after they opened their gift from me.  Of course, I used one of Rachelle's awesome non-candy gift tags.
Go HERE to save it for next year (it's worth it)!

Then, this week we moved on to presidents.  First, we learned about Mr. George Washington.  My kiddos absolutely love Maria's Sight Word Readers!!  I love how she ties the sight words to a theme!! Some we use as a review, some we use as an introduction.  Whatever way, we love them!

We then spent a couple days learning all about my favorite president, Abraham Lincoln.  Of course, I completely forgot to take pictures of the fun things we made with Abe, but I do want to share with you my favorite resources I used:

Hands down, by far, my *favorite* little unit to accompany Mr. Abe!

Discovery Education has the perfect little video about Abraham Lincoln and his life and accomplishments! I used it as an introduction.

A Day in First Grade

Do you know Kristen from A Day in First Grade?  She's incredible. 
She has a great post on President's Day in her room that is a must read.  I used several of her ideas!

Yesterday, our Kindergarten team held a mini Olympics for our kinder kiddos. We first did a little review of how the Olympics were started, learned some fun facts, and took a peak at different winter and summer games.

Then, we made patriotic hats (thanks to Maria, click HERE to get your freebie) to use as our USA uniform and made our very own torches (seen above). For the torches, we just wrapped toilet paper rolls with aluminum foil and then had the kiddos glue on red, orange, and yellow streamers to the top.  Worked like a charm!

Here's a sweet friend getting ready for his javelin throw (a straw).

Victory for one friend after his relay race.
We also had a discus throw but I was in charge of that and was too busy to take a photo.  We used American-themed mini paper plates!
We also had a closing ceremony and awarded each kiddo with a 'gold medal'

Here's a fun little freebie for you.  I'll add a picture of these completed later. I was too tired after all the fun and forgot to take a pic!

After nothing but rain for the past couple days, I'm heading outside to spend this gorgeous Florida day (sunny and 70) with my sweet pups!
Happy Saturday!!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Time to breathe.

A fellow teacher at my school shared a link with us on FB tonight and it made me stop.  Stop working on making an already created lesson plan "cuter."  Stop tying unnecessary bows onto my kiddos already packaged Valentines gifts.  
These are not the things my kiddos will remember me by.

I often find myself getting caught up in the "cute."  Trying to have the cutest lesson plan. Comparing myself to others. Stressing over unfinished crafts or not being able to fit it all in.  

This small article made me stop.  Stop and think.
Am I listening to my students?  Really listening to them?  
Am I caring for them or am I worried about being the "best."  

The reason I teach is to change the lives of those I teach.  To make a difference in their day-to-day life.  To help them become the most awesome person they can be.

I love teaching and I love each and every one of my 20 little kinders. 
I love all 122 previous students I've taught.

I love that I have gotten to 'know' so many of you amazing fellow teachers who share the same passion as I.

I just wanted to take time to breathe.  Take time to show gratitude.

I hope you all have time to take a moment and breathe.  Take it all in.
When you get all those little home-made goodies and chocolates on Friday, know how much love was put into giving you that gift.  It's not about how much the gift card is for or which teacher got the 'best' gifts.  It's about the love that each of your kiddos has for you and how amazing they  think you are.

Love to you all! :)

Link to article found HERE.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Valentine's Day Pins + Freebie + Sale!

I really can't believe that Valentine's Day is right around the corner.  I feel like we just got back to school after our winter break!  
I'm trying to stay 'ahead of the game' as much as I can (which isn't saying much considering Valentine's Day is only 12 days away), so I did some 'pinning' and wanted to share some of the adorable things I found for Valentine's Day!









Phew! I'm going to be busy these next couple weeks!! :)
I also wanted to share a freebie with you.  

My kiddos love to play matching games!  

While you're at my store, take a look around.  I'm having a sale, but it's TODAY ONLY! 

Who are you hoping will win the Super Bowl?  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

It's CURRENTLY time!!

It's my favorite time!  A new month calls for a new currently!

A little explanation, if you will:

Listening - silence.  Well, the clicking of my computer keys.  Usually when I am doing a currently it's on the weekend, in the morning.  When I wake up on the weekends I like to spend the first several hours browsing the web, working on things, and sipping my coffee {or pot of coffee}….all in silence.  It's so nice!

Loving - I had a 2-day work week!!! The start of it wasn't so fun though.  I spent ALL of Monday (17 hours) in the ER for a 30 minute procedure to get two large cysts removed from my ovary! {sorry to any men who may be reading this} The doctors are not concerned about the cysts at all, so neither am I.  Just something that, apparently, thousands of women deal with on the daily.  With that said, I had Monday and Tuesday off to deal with that.  Wednesday was a shocker…we had a "snow day"  in FLORIDA!  It didn't snow where I live, nor did it really even produce much ice.  Just rain and freezing temps (for us FL peeps).  No worries though, today is going to be 75. Ha!

Thinking - self explanatory.  I hate having to clean.

Wanting - well, this is self explanatory also.  I mean, it would help out SO much! :)

Needing - You should have figured it out by now, but just in case.  I live in Florida.  Also known as the "Sunshine State."  But sunshine we have seen NONE of in over 2-weeks.  Maybe a splash of sun here and there, but for the most part NONE.  This 'beach babe' needs a tan!!

Truth 1 - Yes, I have in fact been a member of the Starbucks Gold Card 'club' since 2006.  To say I have an addiction to Starbucks is an understatement. For those who don't know…to attain a Starbucks Gold Card you have to buy 30 drinks (coffee) in the course of 12 months.  Then, you have to continue buying at least 30 drinks to maintain your gold status.  I usually get my gold card status back in the first 4 months! :)  

Truth 2 - In no way do I like to be the center of attention, but I hate missing out on super fun things that my friends/family are doing.  I really feel FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when I see all my bloggy buddies congregating together at an event and/or vacation and I am/was unable to attend (usually bc these events take place millions of miles away from me and I just can't fit all that travel in my budget).  So, yeah, I suffer from major FOMO!

Fib - I absolutely hate reptiles.  I do like turtles and some frogs but that is IT.  I really really really hate those slimy slithery creatures that start with an 'S.'  You know what I'm talking about.  I can't even write the word without getting chills down my spine.  eewww!

Well, that about does it for me!  
I'm working on a fun Valentine-themed freebie that I hope to have up for you tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Happy Saturday, friends!