Saturday, January 11, 2014

5 for 'Fraturday' & a Quick GIVEAWAY!

PHEW! Anybody else have the longest, shortest week?  
I always forget how much review we need when we come back after two weeks off!  My kiddos were like a roller coaster   One minute they were well behaved and on-task, the next minute they were wild animals. It could have been that we were stuck inside all four days due to frigid weather and then rain (oh the joys of 'bipolar' Florida).  Either way, it was eventful and I am still tired.


National Champions!
I bet you can figure out what I did Monday night! :)  Living in a college town is an experience to begin with, but living in a college town when you're national champs…a whole new ball game!  I did not go to bed Monday night until after 2am!!!!  Between the fireworks that went off all over town all night and the ridiculous amount of hype and excitement, there was nothing I could do.  I knew I was going to need lots of coffee the next day.  It was beyond worth it! :)

On Tuesday, we celebrated the new year with Katie Mense's help!
Her New Year's packet was perfect for my kinders. How cute is our "Toast on Toast" craftivity?! swoon
The picture above says "Here's to my mom. May she always love me." double swoon

My Pete the Cat is in need of a diet, but here's my first ever door decoration. Notice the bricks?  Having a door that is outside and easily gets soaked due to rain, I don't like putting time and effort into something that has a good chance of getting destroyed.  HOWEVER, this year our administration firmly encouraged everyone to decorate their doors for Celebrate Literacy Week. 
My kiddos voted on Pete, so here he is…after preparing for hibernation apparently! :p

How cute are my little doctors?!  I like to change our housekeeping area every couple months/weeks into something different.  This month, we're at the Doctor's Office! 
Notice the patient on the chair?  That's a wheelchair! :) I looked over at the center and saw my sweet little girl pushing him around.  I watched closely (I thought they were just goofing off at first) and heard her saying "I need a doctor, this man has a broken leg!"  How stinkin' cute!!
You can check out my Yummy Pizzeria packet that I created to decorate my housekeeping area.  I'm in the process of finishing up my Doctor's Office pack. Stay tuned! 

On Tuesday, we started our unit on Penguins!!! I love this time of year.  Maybe even more than Fall {gasp}.  Teaching non-fiction is my favorite!  Not sure why I didn't get a pic of the inside of our book…next week.  
Since we didn't have a full week, we haven't really dived too deep yet.  We started by beginning with our schema file {what we do every time we start learning about nonfiction}.  They love using the word 'schema!'  
We only spent this week learning some of the basics of all penguins.  Next week, we will be diving really deep into nonfiction text and research to learn more about different types of penguins.  Lots of experiments, quick videos of real penguins, hands-on learning, and fun to come! yay!

Since I love penguins and nonfiction so much, I wanted to throw a quick giveaway to share my latest packet!

{click pic to read more about what's inside}

I will pick a winner tomorrow night at some point! :) 

*****Congratulations Cassie Thompson*****  
Check your email! :)

On to my Sons of Anarchy marathon! I just can't get enough!
Happy Saturday friends!!


  1. I am lovin your Pete the Cat door! So cute! :)
    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)
    My TpT Store

  2. Your penguin nonfiction unit looks great! We are starting on our Polar animals next week. I would love to add this one to it! :)
    Karen Rowland
    Adventures With Firsties

  3. I am definitely going to pin the Toast Activity for next year. Great post! Thanks for sharing!!! Amber ~ Kindergarten Rocks Blog

  4. That Pete the Car door turned out so cute! I used to have a door to an outside courtyard. I am sure the kids appreciate your effort to have a precious door for them.
    My Second Sense

  5. Toast on Toast--too cute!! Congrats on the championship! (Speaking of frigid temps, today's high temp here--35 degrees--was 85 degrees warmer than the windchill temps we had Monday!!)

  6. I love your Pete door - he doesn't look chubby, just well fed :)

    Joy in the Journey

  7. Such a cute door! And I LOVE your penguins nonfiction pack:)


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!