Monday, August 12, 2013

Meet *ME*

If you've followed my blog for some time then you've already read a couple of my "Meet the Teacher" posts, but with a new year comes, well, a "new" me! :)
I'm linking up with Blog Hoppin for a little 'meet and greet!'

1. I *love* my hubby.  He is the cream of the crop!

{we never take pictures...this one is from June '12}

We celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary this past June, but have been together for eleven years! We started dating at the ripe age of 18! Can you guess how old I am?! :)

2. We have two pups. For right now they are our 'children.'  Nelly {the small one} is five and Milo is four.  They are not siblings but are the best of friends.  I don't think I could ever own just one dog again! Doggie pals are the best!


This is the 'dog' couch! :)

3. This is my teacher-BFF.  We all have one and she is mine!

I seriously could not survive the year {or day} without her. She's the bride!

4. I have one major obsession with clothes.  Maxi dresses to be exact. If I was allowed to spend my entire paycheck on dresses, I would.  The are so comfy, most can be worn to work and then dressed up for a date night! {I also love versatility}.  I currently own over 20 maxi dresses, but it's never a bad time to add more to the collection! :)  Local boutique shops are my favorites.

5. I have a love affair with all food.  Italian and mexican are my favorites.

I could live on tacos alone!

6. Okay...I lied. Cookies are my favorite food. 

I'm especially addicted to Monster Cookies.  I credit this obsession to Cara and her fun little domestic blog, Pearls, Handcuffs, and Happy Hours.  I first saw this delightful recipe there and have been making them nonstop ever since.

7. Dexter is one of my all time favorite shows {along side #8}.  

Something about his whole vigil-anti mystique! :) I mean look at that adorable smirk. swoon

8. Friends.  I own every season and every summer I begin watching the series from the very first episode till the last.

It's pretty scary how well I know the show.  I can see a clip and tell you what season and what episode it's from.  Does that make me a geek or weird or just slightly obsessed? 

9. Confession.  I have owned a Cameo for almost a year and have never used it. I don't know if it's the anxiety of figuring out how to use it or just my plain old

LAZINESS.  I know, I know...I need to get crackin'!

10.  My hubby and I are....

EXPECTING! Yay! I am currently 8 weeks along so don't want to get too excited yet, but I just couldn't old back any longer!!! side note: I really want that shirt but it's currently sold out.  Isn't it too cute?!

So there you have it!
Make sure to head over to Blog Hoppin all week long for more teacher fun!


  1. Congrats to you and the hubs! Such an exciting adventure! I have an obsession with dresses too, totally agree they are the most comfortable thing to wear...although I don't quite have 20!

    For the Love of First Grade

  2. I have had a Cricut for almost two and haved used it twice. But secretly want a Silouette instead. Best wishes this school year.

  3. We are cut from the same cloth! I bought a Cameo back in February, and was terrified of it. I also have a creative blog in addition to the teaching site...Don't fear the Cameo. It wasn't that bad, and now I use it to cut letters ALL the time.

    I'm also addicted to maxi dresses, even though I'm pint-sized. I hate our Chicago winters because then I'm stuck in leggings or jeans...maxis and snow don't mix.

    Your boxers are darling. My fur nephew is a 4 month old black boxer named Tre. I love him!

    Let me know if you need help with your Cameo!
    The Classroom Creative

  4. Congrats on your baby! I love the shirt! I love your boxers. I am trying to convince my husband that we need a dog, but I am not sure if we have the time for one.
    Fun in ECSE

  5. Congrats on your baby news! So wonderful! I love doggie pals, too! Unfortunately, I don't have any right now. But I have a cat. Hmmm...
    Oh, and your Cameo-I got a little Scotch Brand laminator for my classroom, and I never used it last year! I started using it this year before school started, and I can't believe I never used it before!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! I guess we should take things out of the box when we get them. There was a reason we made the purchase in the first place! Ha!


  6. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. Did you hear me over in Cali?? I know it's early and I shouldn't shout so loud, but I am thrilled for you. Congrats my friend.




I {puffy heart} comments!!!!