Thursday, July 18, 2013

Organizing OCD

I'm not sure about you, but every year around this time my mind goes straight into organization mode.  Sad thing is, it has nothing to do with my home but everything to do with school!  I start loading up my Pinterest boards and adding so many items to my 'to-do' list.  

Wait till you see my Pin-it Friday list!!  {obviously, that will be tomorrow} :)

Today, however, I want to share with you a file I just created and posted.
As many of you know, my hubby and I have started trying to have a baby.  When I started thinking about the thought of possibly leaving my classroom and kiddos at some point this year, I began to hyperventilate.  The thought of someone taking over is....well...dreadful!  I'm slightly OCD and like to have things done my way.  I began searching all over for tips and tricks for leaving your classroom and came up short-handed.  This led me to create a binder that I will be {hopefully} using sometime in the near future.

This 91 page packet has everything you will need to leave with your long-term sub and leave you at ease {well maybe just a little less stressed}.  I like to leave extremely thorough and detailed information for my subs {I feel sorry for the ones that just take over my room for half-a-day.  They get a two page+ plan}.  This packet has everything I could think of that I would want my long-term sub to know.  There are pages for classroom information, school information, references pages for all things academic, and so much more!

You can check it out at my TPT store where it is marked at a discounted price! Or head over to my Facebook page where you can win it for FREE!

Can't wait to share all my favorite pins from the week with you tomorrow!!  It's my *favorite* linky party! :)


  1. Love this long term sub binder! It has everything you need. I just added it to my wish list on TPT. I tried going to your Facebook page using the link on the post, but I can't seem to get it to work. Not sure if it is my computer or not. I would love to win this product.

    Shepherd's Shining Stars

  2. I love this idea! I went out on maternity leave two years ago right at the beginning of the school year and I felt the same feelings you are expressing... Let me just say once you are on maternity leave you don't care because your little one consumes your life. I left a message on facebook as we are trying for our second right now and this would make things much easier.
    Fun in ECSE

  3. Very smart idea to do this. Definitely placing it on my wishlist just in case I may need this little handy thing one day down the road!

    For the Love of First Grade


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