Thursday, July 25, 2013

Meet ME #TBT

I'm excited about this Throwback!  It goes waaaayy back! All the way back to February 2, 2011 to be exact! :)   It was one of the first blog posts I made. Well like around 20th.  But you get the idea.  It was actually a linky started by Cara!  Doesn't she throw the best linky parties?! 

So what I did for this post is paste the original post but then gave you some updated info/answers in purple
I love getting to know fellow blogger buddies! Here's a tad about me:
Meet the Teacher

Cara over at The First Grade Parade is doing a cute little teacher "link up" and encouraging all of us fabulous teacher bloggers to do a little 'meet and greet'.  So cute!  So here goes my soapbox! 
This is me and my amazing husband of four SIX years.  We've actually been together for 9 (11) years (how we met should be made into a Lifetime movie). We met when we were just 18, and yes, I know we still look 18! My name is Kelly.  I've had MANY nicknames through the years (many of which rhymed with Kelly), however, the one that always seems to stick is Shocker (my last name used to be Shockley).  And everyone had to do the hand gesture to go along with it.  Ridiculous.
I love being with my family and friends.  I long for girls nights and martinis!  I'm seriously addicted to Starbucks and spend all my money on things for my classroom and jewelry change that to just Starbucks and clothes :).

I graduated with my bachelor's degree from Flagler College in Florida and am currently getting my master's from Walden University online and I graduate THIS MAY!!!!  I'm SO excited to be D.O.N.E.!!! Yes, I did graduate.  Magna Cum Laude to be exact! Toot! Toot!

My hubby and I have two sweet little boxers, Nelly and Milo.  
My husband just started is own clothing line, BUILT Clothing, so kids aren't really in to near of the future for us but they are!!!.  We're enjoying being in our 20's!

I have been teaching for three years (going into my sixth) now and love every second of it!  I taught kindergarten for the first two years and am now in FANTASTIC first grade (back in K)!  I love first grade and hope that I am able to stay here for a V-E-R-Y long time (What was I thinking...I belong in K...ALWAYS)!

Now for the Q & A

Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?                                           
A:  I would probably be a detective or forensic scientist.  Not sure why, but I am OBSESSED with murder mysteries.  Plus I'm extremely nosy and always want to know what happened and how and why! :) Still true but I also have the desire to own my own boutique (soon to be a reality).

Q: What are your hobbies?                                                                                  
A:  Reading and going to the gym.  Seriously, can't get enough of either!  I also am liking this blogging world! Gym?  Ha!  Hobbies: blogging and pinterest!                                                          

Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?                   
A:  I wanted to be in tv productions and a meteorologist for the longest time!  My mom always tells me that when I was really young I would say I wanted to be an ice-cream scooper!  Ha!  I think I just liked the idea of EATING all the ice cream!
Q: What are your guilty pleasures?                                                                
 A: Cookies!!!!!!  Starbucks, Real Housewives (all of them), The Bachelor, Teen Mom (1 & 2), Jersey Shore, and wine! :)  Pretty much the same!

Q: What is your biggest fear?!                                                                     
 A: SNAKES and free falling.  Just the word snakes freaks me out!

Q: When you’re on vacation, where do you like to go?                                 
 A: To the beach or to the mountains!  Me and the hubby love to go hiking!  Really anything outdoors works for us!
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?                                                
     A:  It's not what you know, it's who you know!

Q: What do you value most in others?                                                                 
    A:  Respect. Loyalty when it comes to friends

Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass down to your kids, what would it be?                                                                                                      
A: My sense of humor (which is really the ability to make light of a situation).  I enjoy making people laugh!

Q: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world….living or dead…who would it be?                                                                                                             
A:  Jennifer Aniston... man, to look like her when I'm her age!!!  also, Heather Whitestone (she was a former Miss America) and probably (totally stealing this from Cara) fellow bloggers whom I've been "stalking"; Cara Carroll, Deanna Jump (met her but didn't get to have lunch with her....dangit.  Same for Kim Adsit), Sarah Cooley, and Babbling Abby (this was written before she had The Inspired Apple), Kelley Dolling, Amy Lemons, Hadar, Michelle, and a BILLION others.  I would really like to pick their brains! :) 
Now tell us one random thing about yourself: 
I was a complete tomboy growing up.  The movie Doc Hollywood was filmed in my SMALL hometown of Micanopy and McIntosh, Florida.  I'm friends with Ricky Carmichael (the former Supercross champion) and I long to live in Australia (men with Australian accents melt my heart!) :)
So...what about you?!

1 comment:

  1. How time flies huh? It's crazy to look back and see how things have changed. Thanks for sharing!


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