Monday, April 1, 2013


I'm linking up too early this morning with Farley!

I can NOT believe it is already April.  No foolin'!  It's just crazy how fast this year is going {for me at least}.  Okay...Here it goes:

Yes, the weather in FL has finally reached consistent warm temperatures.  I even switched out all my "winter clothes" for spring/summer! So excited because that means pool/beach days with good friends and family {my favorite thing to do} :)

Okay.  I do need to get ready for work. It's my last week my intern is full-time teaching.  It's been so nice having her with us.  Speaking of an intern.... what do you do for your intern at the end of their teaching time?  Do you give them a gift?  What do you do?  Would love some ideas!!

*** I "rushed" out this morning and didn't provide you with the link to all things heavenly....Banana Chocolate Chip Baked Donuts.  My hubby and I have already eaten half of them! :)  They are so scrumptious! 

And the warm weather...with it comes humidity.  Trust me, FL is not where you want to be come late April-mid September.  It's misery.  And ladies {and gents}, lets not forget the pollen.  Uuuuggghhh!  I just became allergic to the outside world.  Literally.  I carry Visine and a pack of tissues with me at all time until about May.  But, yes, wearing a maxi dress today was a nice change! :)


  1. I'm a little jealous spring weather has come for you in FL. Over here in the UK we were still getting snow flurries this last week! For a girl from Cali, I'm desperate for some sun!

  2. Ummm - yeah - SPRING?!? I'm so jealous!! It's 45 degrees here in Indiana!! I'll trade ya! ;)

  3. I am also jealous of your spring temperatures. It is 36 F here in Ontario. Have a great week and good luck on your unit plans.

  4. I live in GA, and we are finally getting some warmer weather. Yay! I hope you have a wonderful day at work. Glad I found your blog!

  5. Hello, just found your blog and I'm so glad! Adorable! Let me also say, while we're talking about cute, I love the font you used in your currently!

    This is my first year teaching so I was an intern last year! My mentor teacher got me a nice lunch bag (31) and she filled it with some school supplies and a gift certificate for a pedicure. Very sweet of her to do that! :)

    Super jealous of your weather in Florida, like someone already mentioned it's not all that warm in Indiana!

    Mrs. Kelly’s Klass

  6. Send your warm weather over here! The snow needs to go!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  7. I'm with ya on the work today :( But summer is just around the corner, right? {Okay, so maybe a very far off corner!}

    Lucky to Be in First

  8. Oh my goodness I need your warm weather! This Ohio winter is driving me crazy this year! I am SO read for spring! Enjoy some sunshine for me :) Those donuts sound to die for! Yum :)


  9. Banana chocolate chip donuts sound delicious! I've never heard of a recipe like that before, but I would love to try them.

    Compassionate Teacher

  10. The donuts are making me hungry and I had a huge dinner. I LOVE the font you used for your Currently.
    My Second Sense

  11. Word Kelly . . . how you be? Hopefully these past two days at school have been a-ok! Oh and for the record, you need to bring some of those donuts to VEGAS this summer :) Hugs!!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!