Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A birthday celebration!

I love learning about fellow bloggers and celebrating their many life 'milestones' via bloggy world.  Today is one of those days!  
Kathy from First Grade a la Carte is having a HUGE and I mean HUGE birthday celebration.  It started yesterday and continues through the week.  She is celebrating by throwing, not only a sale at her TPT store and sharing her own freebies, but she's also hosting a FLASH giveaway EACH DAY!!  Whoop whoop!

You MUST head over to her blog, follow her {she has a MOUNTAIN of amazing ideas}, and join in on her big birthday celebration.

Enter today to earn a chance to win my Flat Stanley unit {among several other amazing products}!! :)

My Flat Stanley unit was just completely revamped and a TON of activities were added.  It's the perfect reader's response packet for a super fun story!
Check it all out:

and don't forget to head to my TPT store today! Last day of my spring sale!! :)


  1. I am a follower of your blog! Would love to win Kathy's giveaway!

  2. LOVE Flat Stanley! It's one of my favorite class projects so I'd love to win this! Now a follower :o)
    Isn't Kathy the best?!

    1. Flat Stanley is one of my favorite class projects, too! And yes, Kathy is the BEST! :)

  3. I just found you through the giveaway! SO glad I did! I am a new follower!
    Mrs. Richardson's Class

  4. Love Flat Stanley! I have entered the giveaway and crossing my fingers this would be great to win. I am now your newest follower.
    First Grade A to Z


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