Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday Mornings. {NOT school related}

So my Hubs has been working out of town A.LOT. the past month.  I pretty much get to see him for 72 hours each week. :(
Each weekend when he returns we spend the entire weekend together {something we normally don't do...usually "playing" with friends and such}.
This morning we had a little fun.  The Hubs makes movies.  He's pretty good.
This little movie was completely unplanned.  Extremely random.  And boat loads of fun. :)

Do not mind the mound of wood and junk on the fire pit.  We needed props and will be burning it later! :)

Hope you're having a fun Saturday and living each moment to the fullest!


  1. Love it :)

    I wish I could jump that high!!! I'm not sure I could even if I was on a trampoline!

    Literacy Without Worksheets

  2. I have to meet YOU!!!! This made my day, girl :)


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!