Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hall Pass...I'll take it!

Love Reagan {Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits} and I love this linky party!!

Let's just get started:

I love my *best seller* Flat Stanley!
This packet is PERFECT to use when reading the stories and integrate reading, writing, map skills, and a little bit of math too!  The better news is that I am totally revamping it and adding a lot more goodies to the pack.  The bad news is my zip drive which contained all of the original packet goodies died so I will be just adding an additional unit...double the goods for you!
This is the original packet:

Here's the new cover {kinda still in the works too}:

What do you think? Should I change the cover?  Add anything?  I just don't know what to do with all that blank space! 

This was a little tough.  I like so many different areas in my room for different reasons.  

I love our "rug" area.  It's where all the learning takes place {well the majority of it}.  There's so much we do and interact with in this area.  Don't mind the chaos.  It was the end of the day!  I promise it usually looks a lot prettier. It's really not a good picture at all. Oh get the point. :)

My signal depends on what we are doing.  During our Daily Five rotations I use a chime.  I do not have to say a thing.  They know to immediately stop what they're doing, clean up their area, and meet me on the rug.

I also use a lot of Whole Brain Teaching strategies.  Instead of saying "class" and they respond with "yes,"  I say "friends" and they respond "yes."  The clincher to keeping it working is to change up your voice.  I use funny accents and fluctuate my voice.  They love to repeat it in a silly voice!

To get my kiddos to go to their desks from the rug, vice versa, or to line up I like to use different things like:  walk like a penguin, tip toe quiet as a mouse, walk zig zag, hop like a bunny, etc... 

I love my kiddos and even though some days I'm just exhuasted and slightly over their ridiculousness I look forward to the silly things they say and do.  I look forward to the hugs and the love we all share for one another!
Keeping sane is easy.  I literally share an office and work side-by-side my teaching bestie who happens to be a real bestie outside of school too. I can vent to her, cry with her, laugh with her, and just sit and relax.  It's so wonderful having such an awesome support system 5 steps away.
My mom is also on my "speed dial" on my phone when there's a big crisis.  What would I do without my mama?! :)

Head over to Reagan's linky to find some more wonderful tips and tricks of the trade! I'm on my way! 


  1. We are starting to read Flat Stanley on Monday. I cannot wait to check this packet out!

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

  2. I love the whole brain teaching strategies -- they seem perfect for getting kids' attention without being loud and harsh! I might try them soon in my room.. I get so attached to routines of getting their attention and really should change it up! I love your Flat Stanley packet!

    That's So Second Grade

  3. I like that you have your kiddos do different actions when lining up, etc. I'll have to try that with my firsties because they always get a little noisy. I agree with having someone amazing to work with takes a lot of the stress off. That's how I feel about my co-teacher. :)


  4. Kelly,
    Thanks for your link up! I love rug picture and your reminders to make them do different ways of walking back to desks is a great idea!

  5. My covers usually double as my previews... so I will typically include pics of the unit on them!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  6. What are you talking about? That picture of your classroom looks AMAZING! Super cute. I am impressed.

    But I'm wondering, do all of your kids fit on that tiny alphabet carpet? Or do you have them sit around it? I'm always looking for new ideas when it comes to "carpet management"

    The Frizz

    The Frizz in First Grade

  7. My mom has helped me keep my sanity through the years, too. Aren't moms great?!!!

  8. You ladies rock! Thank you for your kind words.
    @The Frizz...that tiny little run fits about half my class only. HA! It's all I could afford and it works. I just tell them to sit on it or beside it. There's really no fighting over it either.

  9. Kelly, don't you love having a fabulous mom!! My fiance always jokes that I will only make a choice after I have consulted with my mom, but I would be lost without her!! Love your blog--I'm your newest follower!

    Confessions of a Teachanista


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!