Saturday, February 2, 2013

Five for Friday + Currently Combo + Sale!

Since this week flew by and I didn't get to brag tell you about the fun we've been having in my kinder class, I figured I'd link up with some of my favorites and give it to ya all at once! ;)

{click image to link up}

1. Our 100th day of school was this past Wednesday.  We had a blast!  As you can see most of us dressed up.  Some of us dressed up like we were "rock star 100-year-olds."  

These two beauties changed their names for the day.  Betty and Madeah.  **LOVE**

2.  We also made these adorable 100-year-old portraits!  They turned out super cute.  As you will be able to see...I love projects that require the kiddos to tear paper.  They always turn out adorable!

3.  We made these adorable snowman as a reader's response to Snowmen at Night.  I {{love}} this series.  So do the kids.

4.  We had a Code Red Drill.  I did not like this.  Two of my hyper-sensitive babies had a melt down.  My sweet boy with Aspergers was completely thrown off and upset.  Apparently this is now going to be a "regular" drill at my school. I understand that we as teachers need to be prepared for such traumatic experiences, however, a code red drill?  NO.  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  
Code yellow drill...sure, that makes sense.  Red?  NO!
Anyone else have to practice these now?  What are your thoughts?  Am I being unreasonable for thiinking that this is the most ridiculous thing to put these sweet innocent babies through?  Should they really be introduced to such scary situations when there ARE NO situations happening?  P.S. My kiddos do not know about Sandy Hook. 
Off my soapbox now.

5.  Currently:

6.  I'm having a sale this Sunday!  Click on the button below to head to my store!  Thanks to the amazing Ashley Hughes for the button! :)

Happy Saturday everyone!


  1. I must tell you how much I love your blog! I am so excited that I found you through Farley's currently and am happy to be a new follower. Those tiny 100 year olds are just ADORABLE!

  2. I was laughing as I read about cleaning your house! I have it on my currently, too. I use to be a fanatic, but I gave up the super mom job a while back. I still want to clean my house, though, lol. My kiddos will be dressing up as 100 year old people on Monday. I can't wait to see what they come up with. I love your pics, they are awesome! Every month, I meet a few new buddies thanks to Farley's rule of three. I am so glad I am your newest follower. Come visit me over at my blog!

  3. We have practiced code red in the past too and my kids freak out and don't understand what is going on! It is scary even though it is just a practice. I agree texting and driving is a huge pet peeve of mine as well!

  4. Hubby had to call in sick so we could spend some time together. Life gets busy! Love your cute little old people.
    My Second Sense

  5., I hate cars with loud music too! The ones with the ridiculous base that shakes their car and everyone around them. Rawr. So so so annoying!

    I love that font you used, what is it?!!! :)

    Primary Teacherhood

  6. I love the 100 day pictures! I'm kind of obsessed with cleaning. In fact, last week my son's class had to compose a sentence that started with "my" and my son wrote "My mom clenes." LOL I figure that's better than other stuff he could have wrote about me!

    Literacy Without Worksheets


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!