Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Currently...October Edition

I love this time of the month! Farley is AH-MAZ-ING for creating this fabulous "currently" series! I just love getting to peek inside your lives! ;)

Make sure you head over to Farley's Blog to join in on the fun!

Happy Hump Day!


  1. I agree that some pampering is in order for me as well! Hopefully you can enjoy some this weekend!

    Fourth Grade Lemonade

  2. I am also watching the debate... Not my fav. but at least I'll be informed, right? Hah!

    Ms. Smith
    Adventures of Ms. Smith

  3. I need the pampering and workout routine! I'll have to do my currently tomorrow though.

    Don't Let The Teacher Stay Up Late

  4. Pampering... yes please!! I think teachers should get a certain amount of money each year for pampering... we deserve it! :)

  5. Just got a pro too but haven't played around with it :)

  6. Pampering sounds like a good plan. Go for it! So, so jealous about your Mac.
    My Second Sense

  7. Working out is so hard! During the summer, I was going 4 days a week. Now I have to force myself to go 3 days a week. I love my Mac, also!!

    Extra Special Teaching

  8. My eyebrows are in some desperate need of some lovin' too. If I wait too much longer I am going to look my 80+ year old Great Uncle Bill :) Happy fall!!!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  9. I just read The Biggest Pumpkin Ever this morning!! :)
    Macbook Pros are the way to go!!!! :)

  10. Money given for pampering would be a great addition to our teacher "benefits!" :) My roots, bushy eyes, and scary toes need some good lovin'
    My MacBook Pro is my "school" computer but I'm thinking now that I've had a chance to play around with it, I"m going to need to purchase one to replace my OLD mac laptop! It's AMAZING!!!

  11. I'm going to need to join you on the hair, EYEBROW and man-pedi adventure. Lookin' a little rough over here! :)

    Love your new design, BTW!

    :) Abby

  12. Love the super cute blog. I also love to beg, borrow and steal! What a creative name :)
    I also am in need to get back to the workout routine...just can't seem to find the time.
    Hope you stop by to check out my blog...I am a beginner but I am seriously addicted!
    Love, Laughter and Lesson Plans


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