Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Are you going?

**I need to know....are you going to the FL Kinder Conference???  IF so, leave me a comment!!***

I am so excited.  Not because it's Halloween, but because I am going to the Kindergarten Conference here in Florida.  Where THE Deanna Jump is speaking! Stop. The. World.  I am so excited! I'm also SUPER excited to finally get to be a part of a Blogger Meet Up!!! 
Here's the problem.  I remember reading on a blog about going to this conference and if anyone was interested in meeting up.  Problem=I can't remember WHO it was! Rats! 
So...are you going?  If so, wanna meet up?! :)


This is the first year in 4 years that I have not gone trick-or-treating with my sweet nieces.  They're getting so big and I just LOVE seeing them all decked out in their costumes.  They're so creative!

Here's something we've been up to:

We have been learning about spiders the past few days.  As a fun way to wrap up our unit of study we made handprint spiders, with hole reinforcers for eyes, and added facts about spiders!  The kiddos first wrote their sentence, then typed their sentence, cut it out, and glued it onto their papers!
I just love how cute they turned out. 

For the past couple weeks I've been working hard on my latest packet.  I'm almost done but I wanted to give you a sneak peek! 

Happy Halloween!

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