Saturday, September 8, 2012

A Teacher In Need.

I want to take a moment and use my little blog to request some assistance from sweet readers.

{Sweet Heidi this summer... prior to any health issues}

On August 27 my friend and co-worker lost her 10 month old baby.  Sweet Heidi was rushed to the hospital with a brain tumor.  While in surgery to remove the tumor they found that her tiny little body was filled with cancer.
She died of cardiac arrest. 

This young family also has a son who was just diagnosed with Autism.  This is also a family who is already struggling financially.  In the midst of all this, both parents are unable to work and due to the mother's prior health issues of her own {after giving birth to sweet Heidi} she no longer has enough paid sick leave and is now receiving no paycheck, as is her husband.
My heart breaks for them.  They are both dedicated, passionate, and hard workers who would do anything for anyone.  They are somewhat private people who are struggling with having to deal with such an emotional and traumatic experience while trying to accept everyone's support.

Our school is trying to do everything we can to help raise money for this family.  I wanted to extend this effort to all of you.  
I know you don't know this family.  I know we are all struggling to make a few extra bucks but any amount that you could donate would be BEYOND graciously appreciative.

To donate to the Ferguson Fund visit this website:

Thank you from all of us!


  1. Oh my goodness. My heart goes out to this family.

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  2. Not much at all, but DONE!

    This story breaks my heart to pieces. They will be in my prayers tonight and hereafter.

  3. What a beautiful little girl. I'm sorry for their loss. I know it isn't quite the same, but I have a child in heaven too. He died shortly before birth. If your friends need someone to talk to through these dark days, you are welcome to contact me.

    I found Randy Alcorn's book "50 Days in Heaven" really, REALLY encouraging and helpful to me. It is 50 excerpts from his larger book "heaven."


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!