Friday, July 27, 2012

I can't stop!

Well friends, my lack of motivation to do all things school has quickly changed! 
I can't STOP working on things for school!!! I still am not allowed into my classroom, which continues to give me anxiety every time I think about it, but at least I'm working on SOMETHING! :)

Here are my latest creations:

{above: front cover of student book}
{below: example of color song page}
I love teaching colors! I love teaching anything really but this is always fun for kinders and there's SO much you can do with colors.

I like to introduce colors and color words with these fun songs {like the one above}.  I begin each day with a new song for us to learn.  Then, we brainstorm a list of objects/items that are that color. For example when we do the "blue" page, we first sing the song {I enlarged each song on chart paper} then create a class list about all things blue!  
Once we've had lots of time learning our color song and exploring objects that are blue, the kiddos then go to their desk to complete their color page {like the one above}.  Once they've colored the top part {I have them color the word "blue" with a blue crayon/colored pencil and they color the picture} then they write and draw on the bottom.  Here's what that page looks like:
I create the book by coping the pages on both sides so that when you open the book the color song is on top and the corresponding writing page is on the bottom.  It will look like this:

I love using this color songs book because 1. the kids absolutely LOVE the songs and request to sing them ALL DAY LONG! and 2. they get to take them home and practice them as well! 

I also created another Parent-teacher communication binder per request:

You can snag either of these items at my TPT store and/or my TN store!
 While you're there check out my sweet friend's brand new teacher notebook store and her new blog {she's already posted a FREEBIE}! She's SUPER creative! I can't wait to see all the things she will share and create!!! Make sure to follow her!

Don't forget to sign up for the Postcard Exchange.  There are still quite a few states left that need to be filled up ASAP.  Click HERE to head to the post to sign up or to find the link to see if you've "made the cut!"



  1. I'm so jealous! I am going to be a first-year teacher in a new state (moving from TX to Hawaii). I stay up at night praying that I'll get a position right away. Then I toss and turn thinking of what my classroom will look like, what the first day will be like, etc. I'm getting so anxious! I want to start already! I've just been reading and re-reading all of my resource books for now. :)

  2. I love your color book! It'll make for a great keepsake! :)



I {puffy heart} comments!!!!