Friday, July 20, 2012


I don't know about you but I can NOT get myself motivated to begin working on school items {for my own classroom that is}. Maybe it's because I'm not allowed into my classroom until Aug 6th.  You might be thinking..."well that's plenty of time to get your room set up"  BUT here's the part that makes me a little bit overly anxious... Aug 6-9th I have a training from 8:30-4:30.  Yes, you read that right.  THEN, teacher planning begins Aug. 13th. Like we're going to have ample time in our rooms then {NOT}.  My room has to be ready to go by that Thursday night for kindergarten orientation.  Needless-to-say my OCD and perfectionist side of me goes into complete PANIC mode when I think about anything school related!
I'm loving seeing all your classroom pictures being posted with all your super cute 'pinterest-inspired' classroom designs!

I finally got myself motivated this morning and finished my DOT Book.  It's another communication binder!!  I made this for my dear sweet teacher friend that I work with.

You can check it out at my TPT store or TN store!

Going to try and get myself motivated to start making some items for my classroom.  Fingers crossed I can get some stuff crossed of my to-do list.
  Are you having trouble getting yourself motivated or am I the only one here?



  1. I am the SAME way! Having soo much trouble getting focused! We're off to the beach for a few days, so I hope when we get back I'll be able to get into a groove.

  2. It took me awhile to get motivated, but the more I think about school starting soon, the more anxious it makes me. It's okay to be unmotivated, it is still summer vacation! :)

    Good luck!
    Blessings of Teaching

  3. OMG! I cannot believe you have to wait until August 6th!! I would die! We could get our keys after the 4th of July. My mom can't get into her room until August 1st. I'm not all that thrilled about the all day, every day training the week of August 6th! UGH! Good luck!

  4. It's hard to get motivated when you can't get into your classroom. My classroom does not open until a few days before school starts. I always have a long summer to-do list, but it's hard to tackle anything when so much is waiting for you in your classroom. Then I just procrastinate and read blogs instead!

    The REAL Teachers of Orange County

  5. I am totally on the same page as you. In my head, I WANT to do all of these things, but then I just get all freaked out and overwhelmed and then nothing hits me but anxiety. I just keep reminding myself its only July, I can really need to kick it into gear Aug 1st :] Enjoy your last few, remaining weeks of break.


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!