Sunday, May 13, 2012

Out of this World

First of all Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely ladies!  I like to think of myself as a mother...I have two pups, 20 children I see 5 days a week, and a 20-something year old child at home! :)  

Okay. So the end of the year is quickly rapidly approaching! It's insane. 13 days to go! But who's counting? Ha!  With that said, we have been working on our space unit. I know many of you do your space-themed units towards the beginning of the year but for whatever reason I always end up doing it at the end of the year. Nonetheless, whenever you incorporate astronauts, outerspace, and aliens the kids are LOVING it!  Last week we became astronauts {even filled out an astronaut application} and headed for space!  This upcoming week we will be learning all about the sun and moon/day and night/and all things space!
I have used {for the past two years now} Abby's two units on space.  They are SO fun!  Lots of really cute activities.  Click HERE to head to her TPT store where you can find all these goodies or HERE to see her space post!

Since I had these two great space-themed units I needed some fun math and literacy centers to include in our daily five and math workstation rotations.  So without further ado here is my latest packet {YAY}:

Click HERE to head to my TPT store or HERE for Teacher's Notebook
I'm so excited to use these and offer them to you!
TPT and Teacher's Notebook have given me the opportunity to put my creativity to use and to help my little family FINALLY begin to see the light at the end of the financial tunnel! :)
Thank you all for the support and sweet comments.  I LOVE comments! :)

Enjoy your day wonderful mothers! You have the toughest job and should enjoy this day that has been set aside for YOU! I'm going to {in honor of MY mother...Love you momma}.  Headed to the pool!


  1. I just created a little sight word reader for my space unit. You can grab it for free from my blog! Not sure if you can use but thought I'd mention it since you are doing space right now too!! Your pack looks great btw!!

    Teaching, Learning, & Loving


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!