Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mother's Day, Testing, and Germs :(

I am home.  Sick.  It is NOT fun.  
We are in the middle of testing {we take the IOWA Test for K-2...even though don't live remotely CLOSE to Iowa! ha}.  I had to go in this morning, give my kiddos the test, and then leave.  I have to be back at 3pm for a faculty meeting in which I'm speaking about our Relay for Life that is scheduled for next weekend.
I THINK this might be why I'm home right now.  I'm stressed.  I'm exhausted.
So here I am.  Trying to shut my mind off and take a nap.

Before I cuddle up with my pups and take a nap, I have a freebie for you!
Mother's Day is right around the corner {so hard to believe}.
This year I will have my students complete a sweet mother's day present that I did last year.  Here's a picture of what they look like:

First, I have the kiddos draw a portrait of their mother.  Then, they complete the Top 10 Reasons I Love my Mom paper.  I can NOT for the LIFE OF ME remember where I snagged the cute writing paper from.  If you are the original creator, please let me know so that I can pay credit where credit is due!!!  
As another easy gift, my students are going to be giving them potted flowers that they have been growing.  We will attach the follow gift tags to the potted plant with some really cute ribbon and bows.
 I created the same tag in five different colors.
You can download these Mother's Day tags at my TPT store here for FREE!!!
Thank you for all your sweet comments on my end of the year awards and other products that you've purchased.  My heart skips a beat every time I get a notification in my inbox! :)
And to the many readers who have purchased my awards, I am working on adding four more awards to the set to accommodate the MANY of you who have more than 20 sweet kiddos in your room.  Hoping to have those posted and updated by the end of the weekend.

Yay! It's almost Friday!!


  1. Hi!

    I teach first grade in Iowa and we don't even take ITBS! When I first started teaching here we gave them, but now we start in 3rd grade. Phew! :)

    I hope you get well soon!

    Laurie :)

  2. We take the ITBS too. This year, our principal wanted to save money & let us score it ourselves! Just you score it or sent it off.... And... if you do score it... how long does it take you?

    First Grade Delight

  3. Your Mother's Day gift is really nice. I'm sure they will be treasured by your students' moms.
    Connie :)


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!