Friday, April 6, 2012

Flat Stanley and SALE!!!

Happy Good Friday! I'm so excited, I took today off and headed to the beach!
 Now I'm here, sitting on a beach deck and getting this post done! :) Did any of you lovely ladies {and gents} get today off?! 

After a couple weeks of slowly working I got my Flat Stanley unit done and am SO excited! I will be beginning this next week so pictures will come soon! This is a great mini-unit to incorporate when reading the amazing book Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown.  My kids absolutely LOVE Flat Stanley and all his fun adventures.

Here's a peak at what you will get in this fun mini-unit:

Another wonderful thing about uploading this new mini-unit is I am having a sale!

Click HERE to be directed to my TPT Store!
Thank you all for your continued kind words and helpful minds! I am trying hard to get the hang of this whole 'making units' thing! :) 
Enjoy your weekend and time with family and friends.  I will be spending Easter with my inlaws and nieces and nephews! So excited!!
I {LOVE} this time of year!


  1. My class just got through reading and doing their own Flat Stanley project. This would have been nice to have, definitely going to check it out!

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  2. Fun idea!! I got today off-- and it's the start of my Spring Break!! Wish I was at the beach :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. I *love* Flat Stanley! Your unit looks super cute!

    First Grade Garden

  4. We just sent out our Flat Stanley a few weeks ago. I love the excitement that the kids have when they realize their Flat Stanley has returned!

    First Grade Delight

  5. Love your Flat Stanley Unit!

    We get a 4 day weekend here in Texas.. no beach though :( I'll have to wait til summer when we go to Florida :)!

    Love your stuff!

    MOORE Fun In Kindergarten

  6. Hello!
    I love your Flat Stanley unit! Is there any way I can get the letters editable? I would like to change the part that says 1st grade and Florida? My email is

    Thank you!!


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!