Saturday, December 3, 2011

Sunny Surprise!

After having some really stressful and disheartening days at school it's nice to jump on to 'blogland' and find out that I was awarded the Sunshine Award by, not one, but *TWO* wonderful fellow bloggers! I am humbled everytime I log onto my webpage and see the number of other educator's who find my blog worthy enough to follow!  I love learning and discovering new things from fellow teachers and being able to talk about how I'm implementing it in my classroom. I am humbled in knowing that so many of you enjoy hearing what I have to say and share! :)  I've always loved an audience!

So let me take a moment to send a HUGE hug and thank you to Mrs. Zrihen over at A Teacher's Treasure. Another amazing blog worthy of your browsing time:

and THANK YOU to Amanda over at The Teaching Thief. Yet another blog that you will be glued to for hours of blog browsing pleasure:

The Teaching Thief

Ok. So here are The Sunshine Award rules:

1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.
2. Answer the following questions below.
3. And pass the award to 10~12 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.

* Favorite Color?  green
* Favorite Animal?  dogs
* Favorite Number?8
* Favorite Drink? Starbucks mocha's and red wine
* Facebook or Twitter? Facebook
* Your Passion? adventure
* Giving or Getting Presents?  really?!  I love both!
* Favorite day? Saturday
* Favorite flowers?poppies

Here are 12 more blogs I have chosen to pass this award on to:

Climbing the Monkey Bars!

Creative Classroom

Sailing Through First

Thanks for sticking around!


  1. Thanks for the shout out!!! ❤

    Also, just wanted to stop by and share my new GIVEAWAY with you :)
    You can WIN a $20 Gift Card for Amazon and shop till you drop :)

    Come by & enter to WIN!

    Happy Holidays!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. HOly MolY! I just found this!!!
    THank you!!!!!


I {puffy heart} comments!!!!