Sunday, October 23, 2011


I know Christopher Columbus Day has come and gone, but I'm JUST getting around to posting our fun little activity we did as a reader's response.

After reading several nonfiction stories and watching a very fun BrainPop video {which are ALWAYS} fun, we created a circle map together to record our new information.
 Then we created these adorable ships that I first saw on Pinterest!  They are so stinkin' cute!!!  They also wrote "In 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue."  After that we created stories. We all pretended we were Christopher Columbus and wrote about what our adventure was like!  First graders have such wonderful perspectives! :)
We are now deep into our nocturnal animal unit and have some adorable creations that I will be sharing this week!  I'm finally catching up on LIFE and feel like I have time to actually just rest and relax!  It's only taken three months. :)


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